Monster 1200s Or Brutale 800rr?...

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Clean simon, Feb 14, 2025.

  1. Hi All, firstly thanks for reading, please jump in with any thoughts...

    I have a Brutale 800RR, its an older 2015 model and its awesome. looks like this.
    Im really considering moving to a '17 M1200S, i guess a bit like this if i can find the pipe money:
    My brutale is worth maybe 7k private sale, the m12 is likely to cost me a grand or two (depending on miles) in finance at a high rate as the UK is in bad shape for lending right now.
    My reason for considering the change is that the brut isnt a great bike for longer days and touring on, which is what i hope to do more of over the next few years, and im kind of ready to come back to duc. also being understated would make a change from being centre of attention which doesnt come very naturally to me.
    I used to have a GT1000, an M821 Stripe, and a scrambler 800. I'm fairly familiar with a cantankerous gearbox as aposed to the very well behaved MV one, and i know the power delivery will be quite different from triple to big twin.
    Please tell me your thoughts, its hard to even get a test ride on one locally so im gonna have to be basically ready to do it and not look back at the point im at a dealer looking at one in person.
    thanks in advance!
  2. MV’s are lovely but a lot of dealers won’t touch them. My brother had one and the bike was great but it was hard to sell.
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  3. Thanks, yeah Dealers seem to be very chalk and cheese about them, they either have exp and say theyre great, or they back into the hedge like that homer simpson meme. hopefully ill find a dealer whos confident in them but i agree thats another factor
  4. Interesting to see that 1200s with a spark underseat exhaust on it, they only list them for the R
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  5. It will fit the S model also. Mines a 2015 model with 2017 rear subframe.

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  6. The bars are outrageously wide on the Brutale, on reflection I should have bought the DiavelX which was my original intent.
  7. That’s nice, mines a 2020 with an r&g tail tidy so do you think it would fit?
  8. Aren’t the bars on a diavel wider though?
  9. No idea they didn't seem to be
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  10. I can’t speak for the R&G tail tidy, I have the evotech unit. @JohnnyGraham mat be able to advise
  11. I’ve owned a more recent MV so amassed a reasonable knowledge of them. The 800 would be great but it MUST be a Euro4 one or even newer, anything older just don’t touch with a barge pole.

    personally on balance I think you’ll get more for your money with the Ducati and the residual will stay higher. I love the MV but I think up against a monster for that kind of riding I’d go with the monster.

    mine was a 2021 F3 800 and I sold my Panigale V2 for it, so I’ve spent a lot of time around MV’s. They aren’t now bad at all but pre-Euro 4 is risky territory
  12. this is exactly what i was after, so i have had the brutale now for about a year and a half, i went up and all around NW wales on a solo last year in late summer, about 1200 miles in 4 days from Hertfordshire, and i loved it but it could have been a little more comfy. the reassuring rumble of a big twin, while more vibey, would likely be nicer. what was your reason for feeling the monster over the brut? ive had a lovely MV owner experience so far, the bikes been great, i just think it is what it is and isnt what it isnt. thanks again!
  13. honestly i would get a tail tidy fabricated once the pipes are on, i doubt any are designed with these in mind. they look awesome, but cost about 850, which feels like a big hit unless you have termis you can sell to offset.

    one thing no one talks about with ti pipes - they cool really fast compared to steel. for me, they win every time, but nothing to do with weight which is negligible as most of that is removing the cat and the heavy mufflers in my experience.
  14. this is seriously cool <3
  15. i narrowed the bars a little but was limited by the controls at full lock, so the difference was probably moot. always preferred narrower since trying to do x-ups and barspins on bmxs in my well spent youth :)
  16. i presumed this was due to it not working with the stock tail tidy, which i dont think anyone would care about if they are already swapping bits out to make it their own. loads of standard 12's and S's have these fitted according to a quick google. also some other custom fab ones which look even better but you'd have to trust your fabricator!
  17. Everyone who has replied on this post - thank you very much, it is ALL appreciated :heart:
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  18. my reason was just because I think in naked form the monster is a ‘naked bike’ rather than a sportsbike converted, And the instant easy grunt I think will be preferred. Tbh it’s marginal though. I still really rate the MV although I do think the brutale was over priced considering it kept the old dash, worse brakes way way longer than the F3 and the new MV’s in general are really silly money
  19. Maybe i dont know enough to speak to this because the brakes on my '16 rr are really good. im not fussed on the screen, id have twin cans with speed and tacho if i had the chance, i guess that makes me old fashioned
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