Insurance Who To Use?

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by peter walker, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. Nice . What bike and how old r u

  2. whose that with?

    mines due in june and i feel im getting shafted already, price comparison websites vary widely, bemoto and bennets did FA again except put it up from last year

    i have been told price comparison websites store your date so naturally put your prices up year on year, clearing all data and starting afresh can help (which i did and it didn't)
  3. My Panigale is insured on my other policy which has 3yr NCD, the renewal has gone from £200 to £410, so it’s now off the road until I can either get a better quote or roll it into my triumph policy
  4. Hastings Direct :upyeah:
  5. 899
    Located in south east
    1 year no claims (edit: i had close to 10 years no claims on a previous policy so i dont know if that effects the renewal premium)
    50 years young (just!)
    #25 Red899, May 6, 2024
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
  6. I’ve had mixed experiences with insurance over the years, but Lucky Penny Insurance has been solid for me. Their rates were reasonable, and they actually picked up the phone when I had questions, which seems rare these days.
    #26 JackUnfixed, Feb 13, 2025
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2025 at 9:47 AM
  7. I just had a renewal invitation from Performance Direct. The premium had dropped from £261 to £239. I was initially happy with that, but the excess had increased from £350 to £600, so I had a look at Ended up switching through them to Devitt with a premium of £129 (admittedly with no legal fee cover; could have added it for £40), but still with a £600 excess.
  8. I just insured my new to me Desert X and got a quote from Bennetts directly at £728 (Gulp).

    However, when I went through ComparetheMarket the quote from Bennetts for exactly the same policy was a much more reasonable £470. Talking to mates this turns out to be quite common that it is cheaper through a comparison site than going direct.
  9. Bemoto £151 on a 1200r, gone up £6 since last year. Over 60 with lots of no claims.
  10. I'm not sure but I think there is a cooling off period with online purchases (within 10 days or something).
    If you’ve just taken out a policy then found much cheaper, I think you can cancel and swap over.
    Might be worth checking out.
    Good luck
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