Considering New Riding Kit

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Bumpkin, Feb 9, 2025.

  1. Also have a look at the Adventure Spec stuff. They do some decent lightweight gear.
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  2. Yep, I carry the Richa Rain Warrior jacket and trousers. Never got wet wearing them yet and the jacket is a great wind stopper in cooler weather too.
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  3. I carry a Dainese Rain Jacket and trousers
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  4. Yes, have been doing this for years. First with Held Wet Tour jkt and trs, now with Scott. TBH I rate the Held stuff over the Scott, better fitting so a little less flappy. Breathes well, was a revelation over boil in the bag waterproofs. The Held stuff lasted about 5-6 years of infrequent use, I'm only a couple of years into the Scott jkt, one year for the trs, so early days. Originally over leathers, since then over Klim Marrakesh and Rokker jeans. The quest that started this thread was down to enhanced protection having seen a review of single layer jeans that disproved the general dealer assertion that biker jeans were as good as leathers. I was never really fully onboard with that but the other benefits swayed me. My accident last year made me think about this even though all my kit survived unscathed, mainly due to it being an off road excursion...

    When the weather isn't so good I'm wearing decent drop liner Goretex textiles with full armour. These have their own issues regarding safety as the armour, for knees and elbows in particular, isn't that securely located over the parts of the body that it's designed for.
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  5. I have had a Dane textile set for yonks - fit was spot on (54) for me. The fit worked well on both the a Multi and sportsbike. upload_2025-2-15_15-20-16.png

    I don't think they do the Sealand set now - but the quality is superb and I the price was keen. Worth trying.
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  6. Just checking you have a Klim Zephyr to go under the Marrakesh?

    I agree that stopping to put layers on is a PIA. But I remember riding in high temperatures in my Rukka (with the vents open) and nearly collapsing as I was so hot when I stopped.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  7. I don't have a Zephyr. However, I have a Rab jacket that's similar and is proper down.. Use that the same way, fits under the Marrakesh nicely and even when somewhat compressed it's warm. Compresses into a small stuff sack when not in use and can very much be used as a destination jacket.

    I also have Helvarsons Marino wool top that I wear under my jackets for most rides unless it's warm. This has breeze blocking panels. Have another that's even more windproof, with more extensive panels, from Aldi of all places.
  8. Same here, the Goretex shell idea has been useful over the years. I don't wear the Held leather jacket much any more, but the idea of a a Goretex shell remains.

    Which reminds me to get another pair of Hood jeans - adding another inch to the waist size !:D
  9. I like the Zephyr as it’s a very thin windproof layer. I usually wear under my Marrakesh in the early morning just to stop the wind but when you don’t need a down inner
  10. 9235e2f9-411a-424e-9abc-fcc0630a6cf0.jpeg
    Four Scott jackets with a man named Scott (who just wore a Klim!)
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  11. Didn’t you see all the riders wearing single-layer jeans competing in last year’s TT races? A chap in a cap told me, so it must be true.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Kit aside, I found a big difference to staying cool was removing the hand guards on the GS. Then wearing short vented gloves.
    My next purchase is probably going to be vented boots. Currently got Alpinestars (smx thingys) that have Goretex. Very hot on warm days. Probably pack a pair of sealskin socks if I go vented, just in case of a real deluge.
    Like I said earlier though, all choices will be a compromise. If we ‘know’ what the weather will be, and if lucky enough that temperatures will be in a narrow enough range for the kit! Half the battle.
    2013 saw me sweating in Italy and freezing at the top of the St Bernard pass…in snow!
  13. Based on experience, I would advise against one piece, bright yellow racing leathers. My mate in 2008 was running an R1 anniversary edition..all matching gear. Looked great…but between nearly dying of heat when riding through Grasse at mid-day..there was also the wasps. They loved him and the bike. But hell, did we laugh when we stopped and they attacked…what a dance.o_O:thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 5
  14. Took a trip to SportbikeShop in Bristol this afternoon as the over £3k worth of kit I'd asked them to get in for me to check had arrived. I set off with the Spidi gear that I was returning, my Daytona boots and my Klim Marrakesh jkt to try for fit and material match on the later Klim trs.

    1. Frist I tried the Revit leather/mesh jkt and trs from my initial post. Nicely made kit with some decent features. However too heavy and not really as capable of airflow as I'd hoped. Plus the water proof layer not really that practical being under the leather and far more faffage to install than a Scott over jkt and trs. Last thing you want at the side of the road when it starts p*ssing it down.

    2. Then the Klim Marrakesh trs, this being the cheaper option as I already have the jkt. Annoyed by the 3DO ghost armour that never properly aligned with my knees and folding inside the pocket. Far too long in the long fitment I ordered and generally not a great fit. I wasn't that impressed.

    3. Next came the Knox Ubrbane armoured shirt and trs plus the Knox Dual Pro over jkt. @Gandalf and @Helmut Visor, I thank you both as, despite being aware of Knox, this wasn't on my radar. I was tempted to just buy the trs and use with my existing Klim Marrakesh jkt, significantly cheaper than the Klim trs, they fitted superbly the armour located on my knees well and they looked good together. I then applied some man maths; being already £1,160 down for the Spidi gear I was returning I bought the full Knox outfit and still walked away with a partial refund :D

      It's all well designed with nice touches all over the place, offers great protection in theory with level 2 armour at back, shoulders, elbows and knees and level 1 at hips. Very comfortable and flexible. The Scott waterproofs will still be required although the over jkt does have a degree of water resistance. The jkt, with its pop out quilted inner, folds down well to fit into luggage when it's hot. Plus has the added bonus of being a very presentable, non biking, destination jacket or just the quilted inner jacket, or combined when cold at altitude at night, for wearing to a restaurant or bar in the evening.

    4. I spent part of the remaining refund on some John Doe jeans on the way home at my local bike clothing emporium too o_O
    So, looks like I'm sorted. Will report back on how effective this is compared to the Marrakesh/Rokker combo after my next tour in late June. Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread, much appreciated.
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  15. Just my personal opinion but I would look to wear something over the trousers like a pair of cargo pants as they can look a little sex offender ish :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Not quite sure what you mean, they look like pretty normal textile riding gear to me, even a little understated, unlike the shirt that looks somewhat Mutant Ninja Turtles meets 90s club scene...
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  17. I'm currently looking at knox myself, so would be really interested to read what you say about them @Bumpkin
  18. I have had the Urbane Pro mesh jacket for a couple of years now and it's great. Make sure the fit is nice and tight then the armour stays in place but you can then put whatever jacket/shirt/hoodie you want over the top as it's the Knox that has the armour. My wife has the Dual Pro as well which she got about a year ago and she hasn't felt the cold since and she'll ride in most temperatures so they're really effective.
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  19. Good work !

    Quick question - those John Doe Jeans - do they have nice deep front pockets ? or at least normal depth pockets ?
    Annoyingly,my current jeans have quite shallow front pockets.
  20. Likely won't be riding in this kit for a couple of months. My intention is for it to be used in summer months and especially when touring.

    However, the fit, quality and attention to those little details that make a difference are all great. Have tried it on again and am very happy with my purchase. The versatility that the Dual Pro jacket brings for touring is welcome. My only slight concern is that of abrasion resistance in a long slide, I think that the Dual Pro would shred pretty quickly, if not instantly, it's just a shell essentially. The armoured shirt is more substantial but is still a fairly fine weave Cordura material combined with nylon mesh. Impact protect is well covered with level 2 across the board except level 1 on the hips. I will probably get the optional chest protector, though it's only level 1 and £40.

    They seemed reasonably deep from trying them on, I did try the pockets but couldn't commit to a depth. The length of those that they had in stock (std 32" inseam) were just a little too short. I prefer the length to work when I'm seated on the bike and not be under any influence to ride up because there's a little tension in the material from a bent knee. As a result I've had to ask them to order me in a pair in the longer 34" length. I might have to have these shortened by an inch, will see when they arrive which will probably be a week or even two. I'm not in a hurry.
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