1200 DVT No Key Warning

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Hyper1100Sfun, Feb 18, 2025.

  1. Had this warning light appear intermittently last year but it went as soon as it came. Changed the battery in the key as a precaution ... it didn't appear to be that.

    Recently the warning light is reappearing regularly, despite the key being present and the battery fine.

    Has this issue got any history of being associated electrically or software-wise with the low temperature ice warning?
    The warning symbols are in the same areas on the screen, perhaps interfering with each other?

    I'm hoping this is a bug/glitch that can be safely ignored again ... but there's something in the nature of a warning sign that irrationally makes me want to treat it as a warning.
  2. A good reminder to locate my spare CR203 batteries.
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  3. My key fob eats batteries always have a spare in the tank bag
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  4. Do you by any chance use heated gear? It might be coincidence but I have found it happens a lot on weekends when I have my heated stuff on, but weekday commutes when I don’t; it never happens. Have been wondering if there might be some kind of interference.
  5. My fob has problems if it's in the same pocket as my phone ...
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  6. Is it in a pocket with a Faraday style wallet?
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  7. like, one every three months?
  8. No, only Ducati heated grips
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  9. My phone's never in my pocket ... either mounted on the handlebars or the tank bag
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  10. No ... the transponder never fails to recognise the fob in my jacket pocket at start up, only after I move off, nothing else in my pocket

    At least the weather has warmed up ... no more ice warnings ...
  11. like, one every three months?
    Hard to say as I have 2 other bikes ,it seems like every time I use te Mutley the key warning is on
  12. tandem axle dual tyre
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  13. Mine did too, about one a month. Spoke with a couple of dealers and finally one suggested that if the key is kept with other key fobs (I have a faraday box where all the other fobs live) then it will constantly try and connect with the other fobs. Started keeping it in a separate faraday pouch and it's been fine ever since.
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  14. I keep mine in the same pouch as my car key and have not had any issues
  15. I have got an Alfa as well so maybe they're just chatting about the old country :joy:
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  16. Mine must be speaking Swedish as it’s sharing with a Volvo!
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  17. I've not replaced the battery in mine since I picked the bike up and only ever have the key out of my bike trousers when fitting panniers. Keyless ignition and fuel cap pretty much make the key redundant and as said, never had battery issues.

    It might be worth getting the fob changed by ducati and claim it's faulty?
  18. I've not had an issue with the key of my previous 1260, batteries last a reasonable length of time. Had one time in 6 years that the indicator came on on the dash so I changed it. Just before writing it off last summer I'd changed it ahead of the tour as a precautionary measure. Around 3 years is OK in my book.
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  19. 3 years wou
    3 years would be nice ... 3 months since my last change, not so good. Going to try keeping the fob away from other fobs, see if it improves
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