Hi all, I'm changing the belts on my Monster s4, and when I'm fitting the new ( genuine Ducati ) belt to the vertical cylinder, the inlet cam doesn't want to go back into the correct marked position. Well it will but only with extreme gorilla hand force. I've seen the usual youtube videos where guys just seem to be able to turn the pulley with one hand while slipping the belt on with the other. Why is mine so reluctant to turn. When I took off the original belt, the cam pulley span about 30 degrees clockwise if that helps. Thanks in advance. Alan.
Cam is under load from the valve springs in that position, can be held by hand (helps if you have 3 hands) or a tool or, devise a way of aligning the cams with it in a different position.
I should have gotten one of those tools I suppose but unfortunately that ship has sailed now. Weird thing is that when I did this job a few years ago I don't remember having this problem. Is there a tool for turning the pulley back into position that a helper/wife can hold while i position the belt?
You could use a camshaft pulley nut locking tool to hold the cam in position but it'll be more expensive than the specific tool above and still requires an 'extra' hand to do it so more tricky.