V4 Anyone Ridden A V4 With Full System & An Rs With The Standard System?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Multirider75, Feb 26, 2025.

  1. Looks like I may be about to push the button on a new RS, but don’t really want to go down the full system route this time.

    As above, has anyone ridden a V4 with full system & an RS with the standard system? If so, how did they compare?

    I’m thinking there shouldn’t be much in it. I know the PP has more torque, but the thrill of the RS (and the deal) is making me weak!
    #1 Multirider75, Feb 26, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2025
  2. You resisted for quite a long time :upyeah:
  3. I stayed strong for longer than I thought I would!

    I now need to go back and delete all the posts on here where I said I’d never have one!

    Joking aside, I’m weighing up whether to buy my next bike outright, or PCP, as I can use the money to make more money from investments than the 4.9% Ducati are offering. The fact that an RS is £60 a month less than a Pikes Peak, with the same deposit is very interesting.
    #3 Multirider75, Feb 26, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2025
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Spoke to a chap last week who had traded his RS in against a Desert X. He’d traded a V4 Pikes Peak in for the RS and bitterly regretted it. His reason, the RS was too frantic to live with on a daily basis. The usable power is at a too high rev band and he couldn’t live with the petrol consumption. In his opinion, it's a bike for a short hack not a bike to tour on. Andy
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Hmm, interesting. Annoyingly, there’s no way of test riding one, so it’s quite an expensive gamble!
  6. This will probably make your mind up for you. :D

    If you want one, only you can decide. Other riders decisions will be based on their own reasonings, not yours. As the saying goes, you should only regret what you didn't do, not what you did.

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  7. Yeah, I saw that earlier!
  8. If it was me and I wanted one, which I think you have since it was announced, go for it.
    PCP it for two years then you know the full extent of your commitment financially and you can weigh up if it's worth it.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Life's a gamble - get it bought
  10. I’ve come close a couple of times. Ducati Leeds had a very low mileage RS in stock over Christmas and I stopped myself at the last minute.

    Having a new bike is nice and I MOT’d mine this year. Haven’t done that for a while.

    I haven’t test ridden one, but it was the dyno graph that put me off. A like for like comparison shows the RS delivering between 15 & 20bhp less over the rev range I spend most time in. Only getting really going when you’re over 10k revs.

    I don’t know how much time I spend over 10k rpm.

    I still haven’t ruled one out, but have this fear that I’d drop another 10k(ish) on a new bike and I’d end up slightly (only slightly) disappointed.

    Edit to add: I’d imagine a full system PP vs a standard RS would only further highlight the above.
    #10 gc6269, Feb 27, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2025
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. When it was first launched, it had my interest, and I’ve always wondered what one would be like.

    Like you, I don’t sit at the top of the rev range the whole time, so maybe it’s too much for our roads?? I had an S1000XR with a full system, and it was ballistic, but only came into its own on full chat. That was an amazing bike, but I didn’t quite gel with it.

    I’ve said on here, many times, that my V4PP is the best bike I’ve ever had, by far, so where do I go from here? My brain is saying to get another, but I have this little voice that says to go for the RS.

    Have many on here gone from a Pikes Peak to RS? It would be interesting to get their feedback and thoughts.
  12. V4 with no system sounds wank IMHO.
    Bit like a sewing machine.
    Each to their own I guess.
  13. But where do you get it insured? I've yet to find an insurance company that will insure a race system for the road.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. yup, did 8k miles on the V4PP and then 4k last year on the RS. Sure, on paper might be all top end and not so good for everyday but not sure that I noticed any issues. it's as fast as a fast thing, easy for gentle jaunt when necessary and I loved it and don't regret it for a moment. However I don't tour so might be an issue for those that do the serious mileages. Only just gone back to the dealer in part ex but only cos he "made me an offer" etc. Do it mate but happy to chat if you want :upyeah:
  15. don't find it all frantic but we're all different
  16. My choice of word, his words, needing to change gear too often. Given my experience of the V4PP, a Panigale V4S and a Streetfighter V4, I can relate to that. I find the Grandtourismo engine far less tiring over distance to the Stradale engine in the Streetfighter. Horses for courses :D Andy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. That's great to know, cheers Fraser. What are you trading the RS in for?
  18. a year old SP2 with 200 miles on it that someone has spent fortune on inc wheelbarrow akra. looks absolutely stunning so have to scratch that itch :D
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  19. Scratch the itch. Good choice of words.
    That’s what you need to do with the RS @Multirider75. You will regret it otherwise.

    Just done the same with my new Hyper 698. Always wanted a Hypermotard. This ticks all the boxes. It’s very focussed but that’s half the fun.
  20. I've used Ducati insurance and they were happy to insure it with a system on - had my PP with a system on insured with them aswell
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