1200 2013 Mts 1200s Started Button Issue

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Glenn Travis, Mar 1, 2025 at 2:14 PM.

  1. Hi all. First post here.
    I own a 2013 Multistrada 1200s and my bike is starting as soon as I move the red switch up with ignition on. I’m wondering if it’s the spring in the starter button itself? Has anyone any idea?
  2. Hi welcome to the forum
    The starter buttons have been known to stick on some models, try some lubricant around the button to see if it frees off, you may have to dismantle the switch if its really bad, but be careful you don’t lose some of the internal parts
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  3. Might be worth trying to get another switch, one of the forum members had big problems in France last year. The bike would start and then immediately die, turned out to be a fault in the kill switch
  4. Yes, it was the ribbon cable within the cluster that had a short. The hive of guys there tried to solve the issue but we were in part defeated by the need for the correct driver bit. Ducati Nice investigated and generously swapped a cluster out from another bike in the workshop which fixed the problem. Not sure if that was a demo or a customer bike, I willingly paid for the full cost replacement, along with their sympathetically reduced labour charge (the staff got a €50 tip for their trouble), which I would otherwise have had to wait for as well as pay extra hotel costs whilst waiting, forfeit my hotel reservations back across France as well as the ferry return to the UK etc. All in all a small price to pay... or so I thought... Wrote the bike off and wound in in hospital the following day on the first leg of the return trip, but that's another story.

    That was on a 2018 1260 Multi, the OP has a 2013 1200, the switch cluster is different so I'm not sure if the internals are in any way similar or could fail in the same way.
    #4 Bumpkin, Mar 2, 2025 at 8:00 AM
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2025 at 3:11 PM
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  5. My 2013 did this when I bought it, took the switch apart and sprayed lots of contact cleaner around the red button, never happened again and that was 5 years and 35000 miles ago.
    #5 GTmorgan, Mar 3, 2025 at 3:08 PM
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2025 at 3:30 PM
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