Featured Mot Pass

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Vader, Feb 28, 2025.

  1. As title suggests, the SL passed the MOT today. Tester remarked it is a fine specimen.
    Tax it this week then hopefully get out on it next weekend. Rode it 3 miles to the MOT and back, it sounds great.
    • Like Like x 18
  2. That's fab
    Looking forward to your travel log :)
  3. Don’t get too excited
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Great stuff. You'll love it when you've had a couple of decent rides on it I'm sure .
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  5. where do you use for mot's?. I use auto weld kiddy, Geoff's great chap, my mate always uses chadwick bank but he was a miserable sod the only time i went there
  6. Lovely, but tax it as soon a poss because it looks like this week is going to be dry, sunny & chilly with the latter helping the motor run strong.

    Get them miles in... :D
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  7. Reed speed in the Gilgal in Stourport
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