It’s like the HS2 clusterfuck. While we’ve been dicking around laying a couple of hundred miles of track for a London to Manchester line which doesn’t actually go to either London or Manchester, the Chinese have built multiple high speed lines stretching for thousands of miles and spanning huge mountain ranges.
Makes you cringe doesn’t it. Same as when you see 25 miles of roadworks and they’re only working on a short stretch of it.
Does build it and they will come spring to mind ? Personally, I think the money should have been invested in industries. Their now not far off finishing the road, I have my doubts, but there’s no industry to speak of now in south Wales
Down here we have those sorts in the cities and towns (usually wearing a balaclava and black Nike Air Forces), plus we have the office workers too, the centrist dad types who have hit 40 and decided that carrying and pedalling a folding bike is too much effort, so it’s a double whammy.
Maybe it's another form of convergent evolution, in the same way as octopi evolved eyes completely independently of vertebrates they've also evolved to produce rohypnol? Is Mrs Maharaja really "two to five times" bigger than you though?