So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Airport run for lazy tightarse folk that won't use Gatwick, never again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20250302_122216[1].jpg
    • Funny Funny x 3
  2. Spent most of the day on the sofa, after quite a heavy night last night. Managed a half an hour walk with the dog, to go to the shop to buy more water.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Turned the compost and got 10 rubble bags full of useable content for the veg plots.
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  4. I received the phone call from the loss adjuster this afternoon and no surprise, the car is beyond economical repair. Discounted repair costs are more than 60% of the book value. Considered buying the car back but with repair costs to me of over £10,000, it makes no sense at all. Managed to negotiate the write off offer up to almost retail but the nearest equivalent car at that price is in Blackburn. Found an identical spec car to mine, 8 miles down the road with 30,000 less miles and no tow bar so I’m into my own pocket for £3000 for an RTC that wasn’t in any way my fault :( Time to move on. Andy
    • Dislike Dislike x 4
  5. And all your insurance policies will increase even with a non fault accident
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. What a bloody nightmare
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. I survived unscathed, I’m thankful for that. Andy
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    • Agree Agree x 4
  8. Today I have been doing paperwork for my solicitors who are selling my current house and buying my new one. Stressful!!
    • Love You Love You x 1
  9. Andy, can you not claim the shortfall from the other driver?
  10. It’s difficult, the replacement car I’ve found, that is most convenient for me, is classed as betterment because of the much lower mileage and the loss adjuster won't replace like for like on the “extras” I bought with the car when new to me. I’m not going to stress about it, just want it done and finished. Andy
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  11. Since the above post, I have phoned the claims handler (a very nice lady as it happens) and had a conversation to see if there is a possible resolution to my feeling of being on the end of a pointy stick. Unfortunately not, it is, as I suspected, what it is but the settlement is being paid in full tomorrow without taking my policy excess off and I have the hire car until Saturday. As part of the same phone call, my insurance has been transferred to the car I’ll pick up on Saturday for the princely admin sum of £8 and my insurance has been renewed for another 12 months from the end of this month at slightly less than I paid last year. Time to move on :D Andy
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  12. best attitude Andy, i need to adopt this more. :upyeah: Can any of the (undamaged) "extras" on your written-off car be removed/transferred or too much physical and mental stress?
  13. The 2 extras I need to replace are a hard wired front/rear dash cam and a dealer installed ‘factory’ removable tow bar. Found the receipt from the original purchase 3 years ago, the 2 extras cost just over £1800 :confused: Andy
  14. it's a shame this can't be negotiated with the salvage team, as it's bound to get stripped by someone unless it's not written off, but i always forget what living in the real world means.
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  15. I've had a visit from my sister in law and been doing paperwork in relation to my new house purchase. This afternoon I've got a removal company coming to do a survey then I'm going to pick some boxes up in readiness for packing stuff up over the next few weeks.
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  16. Structural, Cat S. Immediately following my decision to take the money, the car has been sold to a specialist salvage company in Winsford, Cheshire for £3700 and my guess is, it’ll be dismantled for parts. If you are a fatalist, what are the chances of finding a replacement car that is the same model, the same year, the same Xcellence Lux spec, the same colour, about 34,000 fewer miles and just traded in at a Merc dealership only 8 miles down the road ? It was meant to be :D Andy
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  17. Watched this guy collect coconuts. Not a reflective vest in sight! IMG_5587.jpeg
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  18. Also arranged for a shutter company to come and measure up and a couple of landscape companies to come and price some work for me.

    I've been a tad busy today :)
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  19. ... and ??

    Quite normal around these parts. PPE is something to be gratefully accepted and then flogged in the local market :joy: When she*t happens, as it does, the normal response is that it was meant to be.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  20. Your pictures are making me want to go back, as soon as possible! I don't even like coconuts.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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