Went to do what I thought would be a simple 5 minute job today... The plastic surround of the RH mirror on my M1100S has cracked through and one can no longer tighten it up. Easy job, get a second hand mirror.. No M1100S mirrors on ebay so I got a Streetfighter one as they are the same. Imagine my surprise to learn that the length of the bush on the SF mirror is 10mm longer, requiring a 10mm longer bolt. Normally, this would not be an issue as I would simply get a longer bolt out of my stash of bolts... But no! It's a fakkin left hand thread innit. Job postponed pending getting a 35mm long LH thread bolt. Arse.
i'm sure you would have thought of it already, and i've probably not visualised the whole thing properly, but is the plastic surround removable/tranferable?
No, I don’t reckon that would be feasible as the plastic around the bonded metal insert has cracked through.
Dropped my 900ss engine off for rebuild with Glen at Moto v And I can confirm the engine is bloody heavy
Shouldn't have checked... Now working but need to check everything again... (should be fingers crossed).
Fitted some heated grips to the maxi scoot. So many plastic Chinese clips etc, but a satisfying neat job
Took Carole’s son out for a ride so he can get some miles in before taking his Mod 1 & 2. Definitely a bit chilly later in the afternoon but it was very pleasant. Andy
Ordered a new neutral switch. Bike fired up leaving for work. at the petrol station, neutral light didn't want to show, tried err fingering the rubber boot as I have been when ever it plays up and doesn't seem to work anymore. Im more pissed i had to push the bike back home again
Did it not start because of the neutral switch actuation? - not sure if the same for all models, but switch on the clutch lever ought to allow you to start with clutch lever pulled in. (surprise surprise - the clutch switch can also play up though!)
Ah yes.... Previous owner installed asv levers. It never activated the clutch sensor switch properly and put the bike in limp mode. Had the bike flashed and set up on dyno, he removed the sensor from the lever and cable tied it meaning I can only start the bike in neutral and I've never bothered to revert back to original levers or try to make the clutch switch longer or shorter, which ever it is
so you can short out lead and still use bike - make sure you're in neutral obvs push bike forward to check free etc.
I’m loving it. As it’s not been used for 3 or 4 years I’m expecting the odd niggle like the neutral switch. Enjoy riding it, the throttle is harder to twist than my new SS so my hand aches a little but I’ll get used to that. The reason for buying it was to keep the miles down on my new SS. When i first rode it I thought the brakes were a bit wooden but they’ve improved massively with use. It also sounds great and gets quite a lot of attention at bike meets.