Hi from France

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by dudz, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Hi all,
    I am from Bristol England, but now living in N.France. Had lots of big bikes in my life, but my favorite was the Ducati 996.
    Roads are long and empty here and tempting to explore, but beware........lots of short, funny looking, blind, and ignorant car drivers lurking, and they love to overtake tractors on blind bends and tops of hills !
    #1 dudz, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
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  2. Welcome! The Kent DOC branch get over to France every now and then for a days riding. You'll have to give us some tips or maybe meet up?
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  3. Bienvenu

    I popped over here in 2001 and never went back!

    I am further down from you, there are plenty of Ducati fans and you can get Desmo mag.
  4. Sounds good NuttyNick. Sure will
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  5. Been here since 2004. Want to do the alps next year
  6. Hello and welcome!
  7. Perfect unfortunate example for us motorcyclists, going through rural France.....This morning, in daylight, the wife's Horse was hit just outside our house round a slight bend, by a speeding car. Took the horse on the bonnet of the car more than 40 meters down the road. Horses Back legs and hips shattered. luckily the horse was on its own and took a walk down the road. Car driver unhurt.
    #7 dudz, Sep 11, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  8. is it getting destroyed ??
  9. Vet came out. Missis was in buckets of tears as he told her he has to inject to sleep. Gutting to see. Horses fault for being there, but the road has a 60KM/hr limit, cus its a small narrow road through a hamlet. The car must have been doing at least 100km/hr+. No skid marks. Just lots of plastic, glass, and red stuff. Gendarmes didn't bother doing a breath test because it was an animal that got hit. Ive got to Pay 200 Euros for animal to be disposed of and a fine for the horse escaping. Car driver gets his car fixed on horse insurance.
    #9 dudz, Sep 11, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  10. ahhhh shame.
    my sister has horses and cares more about that than herself..
  11. Ye, think all horsey people are the same.
  12. :smile: for you joining here

    :frown: for horse
  13. just wondering. obviously horses can be a good deal more expensive than the bikes we ride..

    did your good lady have the benefit of an insurance policy to cover this scenario
  14. Don't know about the UK etc... but here just covered for the third party.
  15. Greetings :smile:
  16. It's a long shot, but perhaps you could sell the salvage rights to Tesco...
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  17. Hhmmm... I should have seen that one coming. It actually gets funny as time goes on.

    I'm merely trying to point out that it could have been a motorcyclist that had broken down instead of an animal chewing grass on the side of the road..
  18. Where are you in France we are in 46 a lot pardon the pun :)? Up the road from Greg :)
  19. I am in 46 a Lot too,23kms from Figeac.
  20. Hi
    We are in 22
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