Soon to be a monster

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Pineapple chunk, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone I'm hopefully going to be the owner of a nice new shiny 696 :D I have put down a deposit on one at oyb just waiting for my Buell xb to be picked up by a chap from Germany.

    I'm sad to be selling it but hopefully I have bought something with as much character but less vibrations ;)
    I live near ware in Hertfordshire hopefully a few members live near me.

    Cheers Duncan
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  2. Less vibrations you will be lucky it's a Ducati lol
    Hello and welcome
  3. I have my 696 4yrs, had intended to "trade up" for the past 2 years, but cannot part with it...small but perfectly formed.
  4. Welcome, "Pineapple Chunk", you're not a Kiwi are you? :wink:
  5. I've got a cement mixer that vibrates less than most Buells. Welcome to the forum:biggrin:
  6. Hello and welcome!
  7. Welcome to the forum
  8. Well thats the Buell off to Germany :( the monster may be coming sooner than I thought :D
  9. Welcome in, will love it I am sure :)
  10. Hello and welcome [​IMG]
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