What music are you listening to ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Imola, May 26, 2012.

  1. Mainly Floyd.Some Mike Oldfield,Ozric Tentacles.......Anything with a tune thats a tad relaxing,generally.When the mood takes me I like a bit of Leftism(Leftfield) or Prodigy.I will turn my ear to most things tho.
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  2. Hergest Ridge is a most underrated album, I still play Crisis a lot as well, love Oldfield.
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  3. Last three bands on the randomiser jukebox - Todd Rundgren, Limp Bizkit and [NP] Porcupine Tree.

    I love the Ozrics, fantastic sound. Mind altering at times :biggrin::upyeah:
  4. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon, and Genisis - Then There Were 3 are whats currently in the car at the mo.
  5. Mainly Wham and Brother Beyonds greatest hits.
  6. I think you'll find that was a German. :tongue:

    Mine's on random a lot these days, I love rediscovering old favourites. Spotify for the new stuff.

    Current favourites (according to how often played, anyway):
    Arctic Monkeys, Bassment Jaxx, Bentley Rhythm Ace, Billie Holiday, Beck, Black Grape, Black Sabbath, Springsteen, Chemical Brpthers, The Cure, loads of Bowie, The Doors, Finley Quaye, Tricky, The Jam, Jane's Addiction, Hendrix, Zeppelin, John Martin, Leftfield, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young and U2. :biggrin:
  7. Got Albert Lee 'Hiding' LP through the post today. Saw him with Hogans Heroes when staying in Derby for Donny WSB. What a guitarist, uses a pick and 3 fingers to pluck the strings. At nearly 70 I thought he might be past his prime but he rocked, and the band with him were hot musicians. He kind've missed out on stardom but has played with a lot of Stars. The only song he's known for is (I'm just a)Country Boy and someone else had a hit with that.
    #27 900streetfighter, May 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  8. Has anybody heard the album Blink... and you miss it by a band called Merry Hell?
    I saw them in Cromer recently and were absolutely brilliant.
  9. Apocalyptica good one Lucaz They are one of my fav bands !!

    The above
    Elizium Fields of the Nephilim.
    Disintegration The Cure ... the song itself is one of my fav tracks ever.
    Nine Inch Nails
    Bestival live 2011 The Cure
    Starfish The Church
    Strange Times The chameleons
    The best of the Meteors
  10. Worth getting the 'Trilogy' DVD if that's the case - crackin concert

    Bought nothing 'new' recently apart from a couple of Bob Marley albums - must be all the lazin about I've been doing in the good weather :wink:
  11. Yup have got .. Going to see them play at reading ..
    Not much else on that day so got a day ticket just to see the cure.
  12. Great bands, but I do struggle with NIN's later offerings, PHM was/is probably the angriest thing I have ever heard. Reznor for president. Horrorpops kiss kiss kill kill is standard fayre in this house.
  13. Yes some of the later albums are so different .
    Phm is quite an outpouring .. But then you have " something I can never have " which is so teary ..
    love the Horrorpops ! And of course siouxsie :)

    Disintegration is the one that gets me ...

    NIN with teeth is a good album.

    I think I still have alot of angst in me :( and a bit of a broken heart.
    So I drift to the darker stuff .
  14. Hope you've got "Concrete Jungle" - best track they ever did.

    Bestival is one of my more recent acquisitions. Excellent!
  15. I got about as far as fixed/broken and stopped after that with whatever came next, couldn't gel wivit. Bit of a cliche but 'wish' is my fave, don't give that the time it deserves.

    Darker stuff/angst, I heard that :cool::rolleyes::wink::biggrin:

    Check out Robert Smith's rendition of John Martyns Small Hours if you haven't already, guaranteed to mend ... :smile:
  16. Listening to a mixture
    Depeche mode
    Pink floyd
    Foo fighters

    Just a few on my iPhone
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  17. Yes lovely track ... I listen to all sorts but always drift back to bands from my teens , funny that.
  18. Great news (well for me). Got a second bite at the cherry and was able to order tickets to see Nile Rodgers at the Freak-Out dance evening at the Montreux Jazz Festival. You will remember him as the guitarist and composer for Chic, Sister Sledge et al.

    On the other hand, I went to the heavy metal fest that is Sonisphere 2012 yesterday. just posted my impressions on my blog here, for those interested: Metal madness

    You can't say that my tastes aren't eclectic.
  19. OFWGKTA are quite entertaining too
  20. That's one acronym too many. Who??
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