Price Fixing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. I reckon this is rife across the UK.

    I use Gillette Fusion razor blades and the only way to get 'em cheap is to go to a town centre pub on a Saturday and wait for a shoplifter to pass round asking for orders.....
  2. Cheapest way, don't shave....................or be a man like me and use the angle grinder..........

  3. I use King of Shaves .....half the price (£3 for 4 cartridges) just as good and they post them to me each month
  4. Ever tried buying an ipad for a "competitive" price?

    cheapo disposable razors for me. I recall Glidd wrote an interesting blog on razors (or am I a boring t**t thinking a blog on razors is interesting? - rhetorical question, by the way).
  5. those disposables rip my face to shreds..probably ok for you pussies, but for us real men with proper stubble they literally dont cut it...razors are a total piss take...and i always laugh at the bullshit reinvention of the wheel advertising...utter boswelox..(remember boswelox)?
  6. My God! Yes! Yes! Fame!

    I did write about the Gillette raze blade scam. I'm amazed anyone read it, let alone remembered it.
  7. As you all no doubt know, razor blades are the UK's most shoplifted item. There's probably in excess of 25% of the total population that needs them, they are far to expensive and they are small and easy to steal.

    Problem is, the more they are stolen, the more the price goes up for the mon-stealers, rather like premiums and insurance scams.
  8. I use the old fashioned 'safety razor' with disposable blade.

    about 1 pound for 10 blades :)
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  9. Try to buy Gillette blades at a market or at a discount shop and see how successful you are. I reckon the reason they're so expensive is cos the price is rigged, and they must be a fantastic earner - how much does it cost to put a few blades in a plastic fitting?
  10. just like printer ink
  11. That is even worse. With razors you can shave even after they have expired your face.....

    With printer ink there is a chip in every cartridge that knows how many pages you got left to print. Get down to 0 and quality drops from good to horrible from one page to another.... Interesting that.
  12. Yep. Tried various types of rip-off patented multi-blade systems. An old-fashioned razor blade works just as well or better IMHO. And you can use them in the workshop for other purposes too.
  13. theres a great documentary called 'the electric light bulb' all about built in, designed obsolescence..
    it starts with the 100th birthday of a working light bulb that is in a US firehouse....
    you can watch in online for free..absolutely fascinating..and bloody infuriating.
  14. Same here, I gave up with the multi-blades a couple of years ago now, the last lot of safety razor blades I brought from Amazon were about £8.00 for 100 probably change the blade once a week so £4.00 a year is a bargain!!
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  15. can u still buy single razor blades and the old fashioned venus fly trap type handles??
    If so, where??
  16. asda and tesco sell the box of 10 blades, the brush and balm. they do not sell the handle assy.
    got mine off ebay
  17. this is is the razor that I use Merkur 34C Double Edge Razor (Safety razor): Health & Beauty

    not sure about the single blades though, but brushes shaving foam etc all off Amazon. After years of using the multi blades, there seems to be something quiet satisfying about mixing a good lather up and using a safety razor .....must be getting old
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