If its Sunny tomorrow i will be at the Hatton bike meet at 7ish. Care to join me? Hatton Adventure Farm : Dark Lane, Hatton, Warwick, Warwickshire CV35 8XA
The last ever meet at hatton is on the 3rd October which means only 2 meets left. If its nice this week it may be the last as it will prob piss down the week after. Check out their Facebook page for info. Would be good to see some of you there and any suggestions as to where to go next are welcome. Jc
In the end I didnt make it tonight (whoops). I had my R1 nicked a few weeks back, moved the bike to a mates and his garage got broken into last week. Loads of it here at the mo. Didnt make it because I had to fit 2 ground anchors and it look longer than expected as per usual. Gutted, was looking forward to tonight but priorities.....
Remind me not to let you near my house ! I left when it got dark also. Strange going around corners without being able to see them :smile:, and I won't be going again.
What is it with not liking riding in the dark? Loads of people keep saying that but I love it. Must admit the lights on the bike are pretty crap but I eat plenty of carrots to compensate.