My 1999 750 SS

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by neilc, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Hi all

    Will be updating when I get chance to work on her. Bought from Gumtree
    locally on just over 6k on the clocks and 3 owners. Last on the road in
    1995. Tank leaked as soon as put petrol in (must pay more attention in the
    future when buying!) Will try and find a before photo but to paint a picture
    was very,very dirty had fallen over and damaged the fairing and front
    screen. I have stripped and started to clean and replace as required.

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    I will be repairing this with the now famous POR15 - have used it 3 times
    before with great success. So will do a picture by picture as I use it.


    Started cleaning the engine, WD40 is the most amazing stuff.
    Dissolves almost any crud and as of yet damaged nothing.


    Stored and labelled waiting attention.

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    Again the wonders of WD40 - underneath years of grime some
    decent looking wheels. They have the odd mark here and there
    but don't need a refurb. Tyres are Maxxis Touring at £127 the
    pair delivered not bad I thought. (Let me know if you want the
    details of where)

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    These had to be repainted as were too scuffed to be in keeping with
    the rest of the bike. Would rather paint than powder coat if possible.
    If it was OK when new should be OK now.


    Frame come up very well, will just be touching up the odd scuff and chip.
    Wanted to keep the decals, again no need to repaint as I feel not needed.
    Will post when can but just coming to the end of my KMX build.









    • Like Like x 2
  2. looking good
    and where every good bike rebuild should be in the house lol :upyeah:
  3. looks good mate keep it updated will be doing the same myself this winter on 750 ss ie 2000
  4. Finally got some more time and money to carry on. A few more photo's of progress to date.


    Engine stripped to cases - cleaned and repainted. The covers will be repainted when engine is back in the frame.

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    Pistons cleaned ready to be refitted. Heads cleaned and valves re-lapped.
    Just waiting a few parts (and some time) to put back together.

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    Both barrels, cleaned and repainted, have lightly honed as were very very polished.


    Swing arm all ready and looking good.


    All the MOT's to back up the low miles. Speedo has a red line marking at 55mph.
    Noticed on another thread that this seems to be something the last models may
    have had? Mine is on a T plate registered 1999 but have been informed built 1997.
    I have found a good used tank, and the original rusted tank put away for another
    day if needed. Hoping to get up and running for a ride out on the 6th October.







    • Like Like x 1
  5. How come its a 1999 bike that was last used in 1995?? :wink:
  6. Ain't you seen "Back to the future" ?
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  7. Should have been 2005 not 1995 - getting old now - brain ain't what it used to be!
  8. More progress -had a couple of days off work, yesterday with the good lady shopping !! And today working on the bike.
    Lots done, but lots to do by the end of next week!

    Engine pretty much done - all back together and only the side casing left to paint.
    Will wait till back in the frame first though. Piston rings were a pain to get in but
    all good in the end. (Fingers crossed).

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    A few more of the engine.

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    Carbs have been completely stripped - were full of orange rust settlement. Have washed
    them out at work and blown through with compressed air - carb cleaner and then all done
    again. everything seemed to be clear so should be OK. Does anyone know what the pilot
    screw setting should be? as they were both different when I checked before taking them


    Frame waiting for the work to start in my tiny garage.

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    Engine in, forks, swingarm and finally back on the wheels :smile:

    Next for the wiring, have taken the advice on here and will be upgrading
    the battery and starter wires, got a set from a guy on ebay after
    measuring the existing ones, came to £17.50 all in delivered. Only got a
    photo of the red leads at the moment but have the other three as well
    look pretty good. Will let you know how I get on fitting them. Does
    anyone have any photo's of the wiring routing as my computer with all
    the strip down photo's has died?


    Fairings are being laquered today as they had some damage from when the
    bike had fallen over in the guy's garage I bought it from and the new tank
    is having a colour change from red to yellow.
    Will add more later this week as we go.











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  9. I found my pilot screws to be two turns out from 'closed'.
  10. looking good :biggrin:
    wish I had the time and space to strip mine entirely
  11. looking good doing the same to my 900 over xmas
  12. All back together and fired up within seconds BUT only on one cylinder:frown:


    Plugs out and the front cylinder no spark! Swapped the plugs still no spark.
    Swapped the CDI boxes spark on the front now but nothing on the rear.
    Had the same fault on the 900 I used to have. So CDI ordered and hopefully
    that will sort it. Can't wait to get out and have a go, driving me mad!!

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    Did think about painting her red but the yellow looks pretty good and was the original colour.






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  13. looks amazing. :upyeah:
  14. Looks a picture, well done :upyeah:
  15. nice and clean looking spot on :upyeah:
  16. Lovely jubbly - think I spotted a speck of dust on the key-ring though....

  17. Thanks for all the kind comments, just wish I could get on and use it. Been great weather this weekend.
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