Potential New Owner Question

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Zed3, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. After a couple of test rides I am convinced the the Multistrada is the bike for me (big grin on face after each ride!)

    Just a question on pillion comfort - my wife has sat on the back with panniers fitted (unfortunately she couldn't come for test ride with me as the dealers are not insured for carrying a pillion!?) and she felt that the pannier clips interfered with the back of her heel, which meant she found it a little awkward when getting off as she had to put all of her weight on her heel. I guess it could also be annoying on a long trip not being able to change foot position.

    Any thoughts/comments from pillions?

    Many thanks

  2. I have always been a BMW rider, or at least for the last 8 years, but it was actually my wife riding pillion who made the final decision on changing from a K1600 GT to the multi GT - having then done 3250 miles to Croatia and back, we can both swear to the Multis comfort for both pillion and rider over long distances. It really is one of the most awesome bikes I have ever had!!
  3. My wife and I have just come back from a trip to France, first time for her on the back for any distance and she found it very comfortable and not a problem with the panniers and top box, she's 5ft 10 and size 6 boots. Hope this helps
  4. Can only echo on the previous guys (and gals) comments.

    Pillion comfort is one of the best IMHO, as well as rider comfort. Never had a bike that felt this comfy to be honest, nether has the missus.
    After nearly 5k of touring and long days out in the past 12 months not one gripe! I also have the panniers fitted but not the top box.
  5. my Mrs is fine on my bike, with or without panniers, I have the ducati top box with back pad, if ya mrs has long legs it can be a bit cramped, im running standard seats, and not the gel/comfort ones
  6. I'm always wary of taking ergonomics advice from other people - no matter how good their intent, they're just not you.

    Do you live near a fellow Multi owner who could take your wife for a trip so she can find out?
  7. .

    We had to take off the back pad from the top box as it pushed her forward, after that it was perfect
  8. Mate, tell your missus heels are sexy but ain't necessary for long trips!
    If you don't wanna get a GT and you really wanna please her, buy a touring seat and a top box ;)
    #8 s l u g, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  9. Strange that you can't try a pillion rider on a demo bike that's designed for touring and 2 up !! But each dealer to their own I suppose.

    My partner loves mine. I have the GT and she said the seat and position feels a lot better than the demo we had (1200s) and we have done a fair few hours 2 up now with no complaints. Only issue she noticed is buffeting. I'm 6'5'' and she is 5'9" so she sits slight taller on the back and notices a lot more than my old bike where she was hidden away behind me (z1000). But heel and leg wise she fines in comfortable and good.

    I'd say don't commit until you try it out as nothing worse than spending all that money and not being happy with it.
  10. I think there are several people on here who would be willing to take your wife for a test ride, I am surprised they haven't offered yet :eek:
  11. If getting off is the only issue, have her slide forward and get off using riders pegs...simples!

    My wife has no problems with it, that said she is 5' 2" and size 5 feet. When the panniers are on she does find her feet further forward on the pegs and worries about clipping my heels but I have never noticed.

    Metropolis Motorcycles in Barnet have no issues with taking a pillion out and Aylesbury will let you but if you have a tumble they will insist that the pillion sues you and not them.
  12. Thanks for all your assistance. I think you may have tipped the balance and you will have a new 'Ducatisti' amongst you very soon!

    - LOL!
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