Power commander maps 999

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Ako, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. I currently have twin termignoni cans on my 999s and a pc3. Think it's USB. If I put the standard can on to go on track days etc do I have to change the map? Thanks.
  2. ideally yes as it maybe a little rich.
    try it and see.
    running a little rich wont damage anything
    #2 Phill, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  3. #3 chrisw, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  4. Or you could just unplug it and use the standard map that is on the original ecu.
  5. Zeroing the power commander has the same effect as unplugging it as it will not modify the ecu's origional signals, only without the hassle of getting to injector plugs. Just save the map, then zero the table and send the map to the commander. When you've got the termis back on just load the origional map and send it back to the commander
  6. Thanks to everyone for the advice. Think i will just disconnect it for the day!
  7. Think that might be the easiest.
  8. What if it is running the dp ecu? Does a pc3 still work with one?
  9. Yes, PCIII works with the DP ECU. Some leave the stock ECU on with Termis and dial in the fuelling with the PCIII. The response was about the OP fitting the stock can again.
  10. Cheers for that. Was just checking because I suspect I might have the dp ecu with stock exhaust but i might be wrong. Im planning on having a look when it comes to putting it away for the winter. And maybe consider a custom map next year.

    Ive seen posts about ecu identification before but never understood any of it other than the serial number. Etc

    How do you tell for sure if its the dp rather than oem on an 05 749?

    Oh and (sorry for hijacking the thread with questions) are the pc3 maps identical for the 999 and 749? Just checking as i had a pce a while ago and always wondered if i was doing the right thing.
  11. If you have access to JPDiag (or Ducatidiag) then you can use that to identify the Number of the ECU.

    Or, get the tools out and get to the ECU at the back of the battery box to read the label.

    Google will help in identifying what is fitted (or post here). As a rule of thumb DP ECU's start with a '9', e.g. 96513904B is for a 749 DP ECU and 28640851A is for a stock 749 ECU.
  12. Cheers thats a real help.

    tools for me.

    I had a look in the spring but couldnt make sense of anything. Will look again.
  13. Bump....

    Well I finally mustered the nuts to get the ecu out but the codes dont match what you describe.... What is it?

    Im thinking OEM?

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