Be good to see you all, although weather forecast not looking good at the moment. Most folks turn up around 10 a.m.
Unlikely Chris - I'll probably be in the car, and it's in the opposite direction..!! I'll let you know if I buy anything!!
Good to see you all. Nice of you to bring the celeb, still he did not out shadow our own model John .:biggrin: Complete with Staurt taking his own picky.
I see Charley tweeted a few shots of this bike later to his many followers. And who was in the background??
Post Script to the day: We ended up at Bury Hill where I put salt on my chips & Chris put salt in his Latte. Chips were of the non cheesy variety. On the way down (nr Rudgwick roundabout) felt something hit my left arm at 60mph & it was the 749's indicator cover (!) just sitting there trapped in a wind pocket, from the mirror itself I reckon. See dramatic reconstruction photograph. Then I missed out after a young lady asked me for a light. Damn, I should never have kicked that 60 a day habit Then me & John found out we went to the same school & spent the rest of the afternoon libelling every teacher we ever had. And it never even rained!