Boxhill Second Saturday Surrey Session 12th October

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Be good to see you all, although weather forecast not looking good at the moment. Most folks turn up around 10 a.m.
  2. Pondering the planned precipitation I'll probably pass. :biggrin:
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  3. so intimating imposing inclement is imminent?
  4. I'm heading south on Saturday to view a possible winter addition...
  5. so might see you before, after or during testing D?
  6. Unlikely Chris - I'll probably be in the car, and it's in the opposite direction..!! I'll let you know if I buy anything!!
  7. I'll be there but not early.
  8. Weatherman has changed his mind from earlier ! latest forecast says the South will be 'ok' :smile:
    #8 Chris, Oct 11, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
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  9. I will be there but only in the afternoon.
  10. Sun is making a Guest appearance here in Storrington, thinking of coming
  11. will be there around 10.30 - mainly sunshine here at the mo
  12. Coming on the Thumper Chris

    Let's cook!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Thinking of heading down!
    Is anyone going for a blast from there?
  14. see you there Mr White :upyeah:

    if weather remains good i'm sure a ride out will be on the menu slug :)
  15. Good to see you all.
    Nice of you to bring the celeb, still he did not out shadow our own model John .:biggrin:
    box 002.jpg

    box 004.jpg
    Complete with Staurt taking his own picky.

    box 002.jpg

    box 004.jpg
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  16. #16 Sharky698, Oct 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2013
  17. I see Charley tweeted a few shots of this bike later to his many followers. And who was in the background??[​IMG]
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  18. Post Script to the day: We ended up at Bury Hill where I put salt on my chips & Chris put salt in his Latte. Chips were of the non cheesy variety.
    On the way down (nr Rudgwick roundabout) felt something hit my left arm at 60mph & it was the 749's indicator cover (!) just sitting there trapped in a wind pocket, from the mirror itself I reckon. See dramatic reconstruction photograph.
    Then I missed out after a young lady asked me for a light. Damn, I should never have kicked that 60 a day habit ;)
    Then me & John found out we went to the same school & spent the rest of the afternoon libelling every teacher we ever had.
    And it never even rained!
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  19. what time was charley at boxhill?
  20. Between 11.30 & 1pm approx??
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