Unlucky seagull in Phillip Island today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. Not the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last.
  2. Unlucky!! It had more "air time" then most do in their life, was probably the fastest seagull around, had a ride on motogp and finally had more coverage then some motogp riders. I see it in next BB ;)
  3. yes, does anyone remember the John Kocinski moment at philip island?

    Ive told this tale before, and im fkn well gonna tell it again, but i had a crow fly out of hedge once when i was on my blade..fkn thing hit me in the left side of my shoulder/neck and head...it died instantly and nearly had me off the bike...
    i rode into Matlock with bits of beak and bloody goo all over lid and leathers...feathers all over the place..i left them on for comedy value...next day i was covered in bruises...
  4. A sparrow hit my helmet when I was doing about sixty, they weigh about half an ounce and the impact force was incredible, My neck hurt for a while after.
  5. Video no longer available due to a copyright claim by Dorna Sports. :mad:

    Breathing in the vicinity of motor racing circuits soon to be a chargeable event with Dorna Sports....
  6. Bunch of cnuts
  7. Likewise. I was once riding along the A5 near Hinckley at 6am doing about 90 when a pigeon hit me in the face. It smashed my goggles (it was open face & goggles in those days), broke my glasses, and gave me a black eye. Somehow I slowed to a halt totally blind without falling off - straight road and no traffic - so I was extremely lucky.
  8. iv just had a cunning plan..........sell advertising on the seagulls at Philip island. eh eh eh .I can just see it now . . . eat ping chaw Chinese food....splattered all over marquez bike (if he was allowed to race )
  9. i had a seagull bounce off the top of my lid on the IOM. also hit a pigeon and had blood'n'feathers all over the visor. It wasn't until i came to a corner that i discovered it had got wedged between the fairing and forks and i couldn't turn.
  10. When i young i blagged a lift from a mate on his bike to college, on the way back through some lanes a duck flew out from a hedge any way he kicked out at the think and only went and hit it. We turn round and the thing is dead as a dodo. He only picks it up and says "here hold this" and hands me the duck to hold onto all the way home !!

    Spoke to him sometime later and apparently the duck was very nice!!
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