clip ons?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by slof, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. If you want comfort I think Helibars are another option.
  2. if it's for a trackbike i'd say go for the renthal ones. The Gilles ones look like you can only use their bars where as the Renthals will take any standard replacement bar.

    if it's for a road bike then either will do, the Gilles are more fancy pant's as they are adjustable if that's your thing.

    i use some milled ally ones from ebay which were about £60-£70 and do the job just fine.
  3. Cheers guys,

    as long as i can change the bars as i am able to get hold of carbon tubing quite cheap and then move them forward a bit as well im happy
  4. Carbon tubing clip on tubes snap, not bend a bit, as I found out to my cost. They not particularly light either. Renthal bar tubes are snazzy (and cheap at around £18) and are always what I keep as spares.The degree and length indicators on them are great for quick set on a change over. The Woodcraft units are great in being two piece. A mix of them both (Renthal bar + Woodcraft bracket) is a great real world package.
  5. I do remember seeing the ones of Kopes 1199 in half after he binned it. these are going to be a winter addition while the bikes up on a work bench. so iv got a bit of time to find a bargain :).

    i have also been looking at some silicone hoses i know Samco are the obvious choice but are there any little uk company's out there that produce something similar for a better price?
  6. these are nice too

    2 piece, very well made, cheap spares also (12 each for bars, £ 4 for bar ends)
  7. I'd go for these ones here:
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