I am planning on having my frame shot blasted and powder coated on the project but the vin plate on my ST4 is a sticker, obviously the shotblasting will destroy the sticker so can you buy a replacement from ducati if you supply them with the v5? I understand there are issues with ringing bikes etc but surely there is something that can be done?
Whilst there may well be a sticker on the frame, surely the 'real' VIN is stamped on the headstock. The sticker is irrelevant.
If it is on the headstock it can be masked off with no problem but the blasting does tend to dull the stamping and make it harder to read.
Yeah that was my worry, by the time its been shotblasted and powder coated it will probably render the stamped vin illegible
If your powder coater is any good then it won't be an issue. I've got three 748R frames that have all been striped and powder coated, the VIN is perfectly legible on all of them. This bloke knows what he's doing: TPCS Magnesium and Alloy Refurbishing