ST4s Steering head pinch bolt

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by bolsover, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. Any advice on how to undo this little sucker. I've already hauled on an allen key as hard as I dare without any movement - scared I'll wreak the screw head!
  2. Had the same problem,I made sure that I had a really good quality Allen key with a long shank inserted fully,then I put a 6mm ring spanner on the end to use as leverage,that worked.Good luck,it is scary applying that much pressure.
  3. Thanks for that - I'll get down to the good tool shop and get the best available tool. Hopefully the last few day soaking with penetrating oil will help a bit too.
  4. No success yet; I've had it soaking with wd40 for a few days and got the best long reach 5mm Allen key I can find - but it refuses to move. I think the next thing will be to apply a generous dose of heat from a hot air gun...
  5. Yup, only 5mm socket head. So tomorrow, I'll remove the tank and a few other items not likely to respond well to high temperatures and get to work with the blow lamp.
  6. Use a 5mm Allen head socket with a ratchet and heat.

    Tighten it up slightly before undoing.
  7. I made the mistake of trying to undo mine with a ball head T bar, the ball snapped off in the bolt head. I had to get the hacksaw out and cut the bolt. Luckily I was ditching the top yoke otherwise I would have really cocked up...
  8. The good thing for me is that I don't actually have to remove the bolt just now. The head bearing is OK. I do have a set of taper roller bearings I'd like to install but there's no rush. Having found the bold seized though I do want to get it loosened if only so I know I can remove it later.
    All good advice so far - and basically how I was thinking anyway.
    Only a thought but is an impact driver any help in this situation? I don't actually have one - but this could be the excuse I need to buy one.
  9. Failure...:mad:
    The screw head finally gave out - after several attempts to undo and when really quite hot! Smokin.
    So now the damned thing is properly stuck in there and I can no longer use an allen key to undo.
    As I said, I don't actually HAVE to get it out just now the head bearings are OK - so options:
    1 Quit while I can.
    2 Drill out the head
    3 Saw through the bolt.

    2 and 3 leave me with the problem of how to extract the remainder of the bolt.

    Either way, it looks like I would have to drill out the remainder of the bolt - if I saw though the bolt I'm guessing it will be difficult to centre a drill on what remains of the bolt later - but if I drill out the head there is always the danger of wandering off centre anyway.

    Any words of wisdom?
  10. Belt and braces...
    I just found a top yoke on flea bay - on order.
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