So is this a Ducati thing?????

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Tokolosh, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Stick with it Toko...
  2. Isn't there another guy from Capetown on here who has been rebuilding a 9?6? Maybe he can help/advise?

    when they ride well, they are amazing, and when they ride bad, or don't want to ride, they are infuriating. But anyway, back to the Ducatis.
  3. Well now, I may have found the solution to the stalling problem. This am I start the bike pull in the clutch select 1st & guess what the bike jumps forward & stalls. No clutch. I bled the master cylinder & the slave cylinder with new fluid & Bob's your uncle, I have clutch again & whilst I was on a roll I did the brakes as well since I don't think the fluid should be dark brown.
    Ran out of time so haven't ridden to see if the I have won the battle but I am hoping that the dragging clutch was the cause of the stalling ??
  4. That sounds like a plausable explanation to me (?). Have you ridden it for a long ride yet?
  5. Pm sent Tokolosh
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