My Ducati

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Rudolph Hart, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. I have a bike, it’s a few years old

    It’s not been mine from new

    The shiny tank is sparkling red

    With Ducati written bold

    I’m pleased to say, that come what may

    The problems have been few

    There are those who like to say

    My bike should not be trusted

    They try to claim that every day

    Another part has rusted

    With dodgy belts & desmo gear

    Or electrics made from jelly

    I just don’t hear that snipe or sneer

    Because my bike goes to Nelly

    He makes tea, he knows his stuff

    And I know better than to fiddle

    My bike runs great, never rough

    So the doubters can go piddle

    I just ride on, for miles & miles

    I really have no fear

    We keep going with beaming smiles

    And see Nelly once a year

    I may not be rich or Hailwood fast

    And that’s ok with me

    I think my Duke is made to last

    And riding sets us free

    Some have Gixxers, some have Blades

    Whatever you ride is fine

    I have fun, it comes in spades

    Because my bike is all mine

    By Rudolph Hart
    C/O The home for the perpetually bewildered
    • Like Like x 13
  2. So RH................what's the message? :wink:
  3. Nowt deep, just thought I'd post an appreciation of my bike. So many people moan about Ducatis or slag them off.
    Those of us who have had a few Dukes know what they're really like........
    • Like Like x 1
  4. +1 many, many dukes.
  5. you dear, sweet, silly, sentimental old twat.
  6. I have to say not many people write a folk song about their Ducati, so that's something I guess :tongue:
  7. There was an old lady from Ealing...........
  8. Her Indoors reckons I only score 3 out of 6. She says I'm not dear, sweet or sentimental........

    Go on Funky, show us how it's done. Pen an ode about your closest (closet?) friends in the TV Licencing office! :tongue:
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  9. T'was on the good ship Venus..........
  10. Rudolph Hart went to Nantucket,
  11. But found himself in Phuket
  12. Where he found a girl with a c**t like a bucket.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. But still he did *uck it.
  14. so he sat down and made a nice cup of tea instead

  15. Cos she wanted to pee on his head
  16. Actually he went to Martha's Vineyard....:wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  17. very clever. Not an Islander then :smile:
  18. He said with a grin,
    spunk dripping from his chin,
  19. if his dick was any longer he could fuck it!
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