one good reason not to watch im a celebrity..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phill, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. 'So it's 30 mins past 9 then?'....'There's a second hand?'

    Did someone mention eating Miss GB's Camel Toe? Oh go on then, I will take one for the team. Any takers on Big Mo's Camel Toe?
  2. It's not on tonight.......gutted I'm watching the football instead :upyeah:

    ...but it's ok because it's back on tomorrow :smile:
  3. One good reason for not watching it......
    The previous how-ever-many series surely provide reason enough!
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  4. One good reason to watching the extra show..........Laura Whitmore :upyeah:

  5. i didnt know it was still on...i thought ant or dec...can never remember which one, had been accused of having a discernible talent and was kicked off the show...
    Incredibly, i heard that big brother is still going?? who even watches that? Isnt it now a bit sad and a bit '90's'?..i could never be doing with that big eared idiot Davina constantly gurning and grimacing into the camera lens...she's such a bellend...
  6. Couldnt beleive that Fuc**ng idiot who was being taught the time, what a total and utter waste of oxygen !!
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  7. Do you actually like anyone or anything ?
  8. No but he hates most those who unjustly judge others ;-)
  9. Did anyone see her tonight in that skirt ? :biggrin:

    God almighty...........:smile:
  10. shed be walking bandy :thumbup:
    #30 Phill, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
  11. As long as there is wet paint in the world there will always be a viable alternative to watching "I'm a nobody, get me out of here"
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  12. You get a bunch of minor celebrities with big ego's .

    You starve them, humiliate some of them and watch some of them crack up !

    That's good entertainment IMO. :wink:
  13. The coach roaches have more brains then Mr Essex
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  14. Oh Ffs cockroaches you stupid auto correct dam you
  15. Whitmore?

    Isnt that an oxymoron?
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  16. Joey Essex..........Isn't that a moron?
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  17. err.. might want to watch this in a minute boys..
  18. yea baby ! :biggrin:
  19. Am still waiting for a fall out, or a little camel toe ;-)
  20. Hubba hubba
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