Front disk issues

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by freshage, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Hi guys, I have a strange issue with my disks on the Multi 1200S... There are little notches around the disk it's self... Like little chips, also, anyone know how to get rid of the surface rusk on the floating rings?

    Worth noting, the mileage is around 7,200, I bought it around 6 weeks ago with 5,900 on the clock. The pads have a lot left, almost new. Bike is 2011 model, warranty ran out in September.

    Here is a picture of the chips and the floating rings.


  2. Looks like either chemical etching or more likely salt pitting. If you can get some from a chemist, a drop of silver nitrate on the pitting will turn white if chlorides (salt) are present. Can't help with the bobbins other than solvol autosol for the external surfaces but that's just overall appearance and not the important internal condition.
  3. the chips look like the marks left after the pads have stuck to the discs
  4. Disks have rust pitting where they have been left wet/salty after many runs. Nothing earth shatteringly dangerous, just not pretty in an OCD sort of way.

    not sure how you remove or slow them down, but generally rinsing down after runs and drying off helps prevent more.

    floating disk bobbins - either polish out or wire brush then paint with heat proof paint.
  5. I think I will just replace the disks. I'm a bit of a cleaning fanatic so it's doing my nut in.
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  6. Please let us know how long it takes for the new disc's to do the same thing :smile:..........:tongue: Dude , you cannot get more " at the coal face " in terms of wear and tear than a disc rotor and , as you see they get a bit mankey lookin . Why not keep using them and keep the shiney new ones for workshop moments, they aint going to wear out no matter how many times you take them out of the packet to look at them. And if you really are a clean freak ..... DONT look inside the calipers , right there behind the pads :smile:
    #6 Mc Tool, Dec 25, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
  7. looks more to me as though the crap metal is breaking up through the heat cycles and then picking up on the pads..
  8. That was my first thought Andy until I saw the state of the corroded bobbins. Salt is probably the cause but there is still a possibility it could be the result of aggressive chemicals used to clean off the brakes.
  9. In case they fit, I have a pair of hypermotard discs (320mm) that I bought by accident you can have off me cheap? They are a 5mm offset I believe, whereas my 848 was a 15mm and I hadn't checked first! Oops. Anyway, they have negligable miles on them (something like less than 100) and are in my garage if you want them. Drop me a PM if you want them...... or if anyone else with a hypermotard wants them......
  10. Interested. Let me message you in a min.
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