Anti phone marketing wheeze

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. There are a few great methods to handling unsolicited calls you don't want.

    My personal favourite is the "Hold on, I really want to talk to you but I have a saucepan on the hob. Let me just turn it off..."You then put the phone in front of the TV and leave them to it.
    If you feel really cruel, you can go pick the phone up every couple of minutes and say "Sorry about this, I won't be long..." and put it down again.
    The aim of the game is to keep them on the phone as long as possible!
    I once managed just over 13 minutes with this technique before they finally hung up!

    The other one I like is to play the "confused/stupid" person, like this guy:

    But you'll never be this epic:
    Tom Mabe - Telemarketer Prank Call Murder Scene on the Bob and Tom Show (Scipt).avi - YouTube
  2. I like the idea of the guy who rents his own pay phone line, thats the number he gives out to companies and puts on forms, ticks all the boxes to get advertising calls etc, makes about £500 a year from them calling him.
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  3. Glidd, let it go. Macs are a dead end, Wintel is the way forward.

    My own tactics vary. Almost no one I know tries to ring me on my landline, so 99% of the time, it's a cold call
    My current tactic, when I am in the UK, is to say nothing at all when I "answer" the phone and wait for them to say something. The human callers (sadly rare, these days) are immediately in a confused state when they start to talk and then I decide at that point what sort of ride I want to take them on.

    A recent game involved me asking the caller what "PPI" is, what "TV or radio" are, what a "loan" is and eventually, asking them to wait until I fetched the nurse. I couldn't believe how patient (or desperate) the caller was in speaking to me.
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