916 ohlins forks wanted

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Ducati worx, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. I bought mine about three years ago. They were on E bay and never sold!I contacted the seller and bought them with P&P cost just short of £1100. like new not a mark on them
  2. Nelson has done it, as have many others
  3. Thanks Bradders, any advise what's needed etc?
  4. Drop Nelson a pm, sure he can help
  5. When i was looking for mine I found that there were a lot of 1098 forks for sale on E bay USA quite cheap. I didn't go for them because of the cost of changing the brakes
  6. I've just fitted 1098 Ohlins to a S4 Monster..
  7. Not sure d forks on their own but a whole 848 or 1098 front end drops straight into a 916 chassis, just done on a friends race bike, not convinced by the looks of the radial calipers tho
  8. Hi couchy could you post a pic please?
  9. Which chassis? Did it have the adjustable headstock?

  10. Is it as easy to throw a pair on a 749S?
  11. The bike was a 996, using 996 yokes the 848 front end drops straight in :)
  12. My bike is a 95 sp3 with a Showa front end
  13. 1098/848/1198 front end will fit but if you get the Ohlins then you'll need a bigger bottom yoke (can bore the smaller) as they're 56mm rather than 53mm but this is also the case with 916 Ohlins.

    Here's mine;


    916 with 1198S Ohlins forks, I'm still using a 916 (type) marchesini wheel which needs larger offset discs and modified spacers but a newer model wheel is a straight fit.

    I'm not bothered about 'period' look or originality although I do have all the original parts, just in case. :upyeah:
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  14. Thanks for your help and advice, lovely looking 916 by the way....:upyeah:
  15. I know someone with a set of 848 forks and bottom yoke he's going to sell. Depends if you want bling of gold ;-) but you could chuck a cartridge kit in, get better than ohlins for less than a grand I reckon. Function over form ;-)
  16. I paid £340 including delivery for some 1098 showas today, with lower yoke.
  17. I'll bet they're better than the period goldies!
  18. There's a decade of technology and usage between them!
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