Ducatisti forum

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Bloody hell!!

    sinister, what are you playing at?

    simian, thanks for pointing out this huge transgression, and also that you have asked for lenience. Happy to agree, as long as there are extenuating circumstances.
  2. Internets is for chats amirite?
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  3. Plus there's not enough folder space for lots of pictures for projects.
  4. I enjoyed Ducatisti and I enjoy this site - they are both very entertaining.

    Re the quantity of off-topic threads: they tend to be at the top of the what's new? page because they attract a lot of posts and interaction. You can only see this as people voting with their keyboards. If that is what people find interesting, that is what they contribute to.

    What about other threads then? Well, they can be very useful and informative, but only really if you have the model concerned. I don't bother reading about putting in a different wheel and axle on a Monster, because I don't have a Monster, so what possible use can it be for me? If I get starting issues on my 999, I will look back on the useful threads to find out how to cure the problem, but at the moment I haven't, so the threads are somewhat tedious.

    I also avoid the Multi section like the plague, as it is full of disappointed peevish people complaining about poor fuelling or bad back brakes.

    Essentially, the site is for education and entertainment. I find the entertainment, and quite often education in the Lounge. The bike education is good when you require it. I would happily read more threads about people's touring experiences if they want to post them, and rebuild threads are often interesting, viz Nutty Nicks's or Kope's.

    But if this site was only about Ducatis, I'd check out and come back when I had a specific question I needed answering.

    I will say that compared to nearly all other forums, the ergonomics and visual appeal of the site are excellent - a joy to use.
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  5. Yes - there was effectively no limit on Ducatisti - and in my experience most other forums have more than this one. It is a bit of a pain having to upload to somewhere else first and then link.
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  6. I have a manual if I want to know how to change my clutch. If I want to speak to like minded people about other stuff.... I come here
  7. I liked Ducatisti, it was a great form like this one is, just remember to not pull the 'hitler card' though
  8. I have been on both, not a prolific poster, but i did find this whilst having a sort out :upyeah:


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  9. I'm going to up the file size limit for uploads.
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  10. Gellery size upgraded.

    Users - 1GB
    Members 5GB


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  11. Rob, what is the limit now on the upload size of an individual picture?
  12. I don't think there is one set now.
  13. Thanks Rob
  14. We could raise the thread from the dead .....

    Where do I put my tax disc !!!!
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