dropped my bike had a bit damage to right side fairing looking for part down from light with st4s writing and part down from it .its red cheers
I have a full set of fairings from my ST4 project bike going spare, however they aren't in great condition and would need a few repairs / a bit of respraying to be pristene again, also i'm not sure if the design changed slightly between the ST4 and the ST4S? PM me if you are interested :smile:
thanks the ones ive got are probably the same. i was going to get them resprayed but thought id maybe pick up decent ones as its 250 for a respray.thanks for your time
hi im at [email protected].i might be interested is it in good nick ,i was wondering if you had the part of the fairing diown fom it with the moulded part thats what took most of the damage or the piece round the light anyhelp is apreciated and how much you like for them regards stuart
hi stuart again it was really the plastic bracketthat everthings attached nyumber plate etc, to as mylight and indicators are ok.
sorry for not getting back ithink id rather get a replacement fairing with st4s on it as my fairing is a bit scratched but or holes it was going to be a respray or try to find same pannel in good knick thanks for your interest