The Lardy Bikers Get Fit Fast Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. 5% sounds dangerously low mate!
  2. It's not been a problem for the last couple of years and I've had medical after medical with work.

    It's only a problem if there isn't valid a reason. Bradycardia is the same. (A resting heart rate of below a certain BPM) It's an indication of a wide range of medical problems. It's also a symptom of being very very fit. So for an athlete it's a good thing, for Middle Aged smoker it's a bad thing.
    #142 pingping010101, Feb 6, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  3. My resting heart rate is also very low, always has been. Some doctors say good thing, others suggest a check up.
    5% still sounds low, you still need a certain amount of blubber around your organs etc.
    I guess you know what you're doing...:upyeah:

  4. I think that is low too Tom !

    I read an article written by Nigel Benn a few years ago. His army training encouraged him to over train to the point of exhaustion and he didn't become a world class boxer until he changed his methods.

    I'm not saying this is you but 5% ?

    I'm sure even Mo Farah's is higher than that.:smile:
  5. I have had about 8 months off of the hard endurance stuff, but I never had any problems last year. The thing about bodies is that everyone is different. What works for me may not work for someone else. The average is exactly that, an average. So while I may be on the furthest edge of the bell curve for body fat, I've never had any problems and I was consistently able to out-endure my peers whilst training and competing. I'm naturally not a fat person. I struggle to gain weight at any time, even when I'm just eating and not working out. So it's just my body type.
  6. Since Jan 6th ive walked 100 miles. 4 miles per day.

    I started doing 10 press ups and sit ups every day. Im doing 30 of each now.

    My legs do feel a tad weary though. I live on a hill or cardiac hill as I call it. The last section really takes it out of you.

    I sit at a desk behind a PC all day long...
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  7. Lucky you !:wink:

    My mate was skinny right through to his mid 30's. He's a right fat pudding now !

    Don't take anything for granted.:smile:
  8. I'm still skinny. But very unfit and lethargic.
  9. :upyeah: Just like me, except I'm fat. :frown:
  10. I'm lucky. Im still 10.5st. I just need to excercise. Which i am doing. Ive also got efags coming so thats going to stoip too. I dont want to die before Liverpool win the title again. However I might have to try re-incarnation to achieve that ambition.
  11. Me, I'm 16 3/4 stone, 5'6". Can't run 50 metres, but I can walk most of the day.
  12. 5'7" 10.5st. 30" waist but unfit and sedentary. Excercise is helping but I cant wait for a year to pass to get to some semblance of relative fitness. I was as fit as a butchers dog in my 20/30s but its gone to pot since i graduated and got an office based job. I walk very fast to make sure i am out of breath. I'll be running if i get any faster. Which is what I'll be doing next once ive gotten totally used to the daily routine. You just need to make it a habit.
  13. Dodgy knees, ankles and hips from working on cold concrete for years, so running is out for me, plus I can't swim so that's out too. Plus I've grown lazy, pretty hard to motivate yourself to restart exercising at 46.
  14. I'm a bit taller than you but went up to about 15 stone about 10 years ago. I'd put on 2 and a half stone in less than a year after another failed attempt to give up smoking. I thought I was going to explode.
  15. I usually tell people that "you can't drive a pile with a tack hammer" :upyeah:
  16. Actually you can Dave. Kinetic Energy = mass x square of the velocity. You just need to move the tack hammer very very quickly.
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  17. Probably last longer as well :upyeah:
  18. well, I lost 22 kgs last year... went from 110 to 88... and no crash diet...

    justed skipped : Sugar ( cookies/choc/ ) and alcohol in the week ... those 2 pints you even forgot you drank...

    for the rest : still at the chippy and avoid thinking of it a 'being on a diet' ... you're brain is programmed to stock up in times of need. So announcing and reconfirming that you will create a period of need will not do much to apiece you hoarding reflexes.. :)

    in the same line of thought, only weigh yourself every fortnight. iow : go for the weighted avarage... it will show results that are meaningfull and will take away all the things you could have done not to show the result..

    weigh yourself at the same time, in the same condition : that is : NUDE, after a sh.t, before dringking or having breakfast...
    ..another positive : your capacity to hold liquor will shrink, so you'll feel the effect with a lot less consumption...

    it worked wonders for me... they just fell of without this feeling of 'suffering'
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  19. What age are you hoping to live to? 76?
    That's 30 years away man! What are you going to do, just cave in half way through the course?

    If you don't start motivating yourself to start exercising at 46, you might be dead at 56 and what fun is that?

    Learn to swim. There must be pools near you, and where there are pools, there are learn-to-swim classes. If nothing else, it will contribute to your skill set, another feather in your cap. You might even find you like it and go on to take up scuba diving.

    Get out of your comfort zone, man!
  20. Just found this thread :) I'm 48, 5' 10", 102 kg and need to go down to 85kg. Quit smoking 5 weeks ago so I reckon I'm ready to start exercising. I need to fit into my one piece leathers before track day season starts, so I want to get rid of 7 kg of lard pretty quickly.

    I'll start with the programme Tom put up at the beginning of the thread and let you know how it goes.
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