Mapping a 1098

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by MannyA, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Mine is at Translogic GP and is so smooth it feels like a gigantic moped.
  2. LoL:biggrin:
  3. If the bike is used exclusively on track, then like most parts of the bike, the life expectancy of the box will be limited and expectations should be adjusted accordingly. This is true whether it is a Ducati OR NOT. But if the bike is used on the road, life expectancy is significantly longer.

    Speaking with the likes of John at JHP or Steve at Steve Jordans (they race in the 848 Challenge), they affirm that life of the gearbox is totally down to setup and making sure the ignition cut and retard timings are done right. There are also other factors that cause the gearboxes to fail that are not related to the QS at all.

    It is dangerous to make sweeping assumptions about longevity of gboxes and QS based on two of your mates experience. There are many factors we don't know about the condition, history, or setup of those 2. Ducati provide a QS on a few of their superbikes as standard, and raceteams vouch for them - when setup correctly.
  4. And when mates work in dealerships and mention nearly all SPs come back with problems on the QS and gearbox issues...
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  5. They need better setting up

    Which dealerships?
  6. Why should you have to set up, or more importantly pay someone to, a factory fit item?

    Not heard yet how the 848 ones are working but then not sure how many corse model have been sold

    The panigale QS is allegedly 100% better tho, although again probably too soon to see any issues.
  7. Spareparts..........theres a job for you in the bsb paddock........QS master extroidinaire. HM QS's failed consistently in2010 and 2011. Not had any inside knowledge this year. Can you tell me how to set one up/ MY HM one hasbeen fine on the 748. and the's a low output, therefore fine. IF I get anymore power out of it I will change to a translogic system. I know of (and have seen the boxs and ran through gears myself) 1098r's that required gbox rebuilds after use of HM QS. R spec box and Translogic fine though :wink:
  8. Bradders, you haven't answered my question of which dealerships. I'd like to ask them their experiences in the same way I asked JHP and Steve Jordan. Would be interesting to hear... Why do they need setting up? Because these things are adjustable. Just like your suspension. Unless you think factory suspension settings are optimised for everyone or even come out of the factory on the same settings?

    Cranker: In what way does a Translogic QS work differently to the HM one? And what does a Translogic QS NOT do that a HMQS does do (that is bad for gboxes)?
  9. What is there to set up? Never had a QS so yep assumed as factory fit no extra work needed

    JHP aren't the only people who know Ducatis.

    And I'm talking road bikes not race, as I thought the OP was. Cranker has far more experience than me on the racing side, I simply wobble round on my old monster which is fairly std
  10. You flatter Bradders. It would seem that the cut delay, delay length and and force % on the HM units can vary. They seem well set up with a smooth snatch free chage then vary over time. Cue - g/box probs........ A number of units failed in the bsb paddock(reportedly) causing gear selector damage (3rd-4th on ducs).
  11. The HM QS is a strain gauge QS allowing adjustment of 3 parameters: Ignition kill time (duration of no load on the gbox to allow the change), sensitivity before the ignition cut, and whether it is compression/extension/or both ways the ignition cut occurs. Setup of these parameters - in particular ignition kill time and sensitivity - is critical. Too long/short and you can lunch your gbox quite quickly. Get it right, and the gbox actually has less load/wear/tear compared to using the clutch.

    I am also talking road bikes.

    You are absolutely correct that JHP are not the only people who know Ducatis. But they are regarded as some of the most knowledgeable in the country, support other Ducati racers, and also run in the 848 Challenge (BTW, I am not one of their customers and have never actually been there, but have only spoken directly to them). Always good to source a 2nd 3rd opinion... so I spoke to Steve Jordan (a far more modest outfit compared to JHP) who also supports what JHP say. So which dealerships do your 'mates' work at who are experts in Ducati? Not sure why you avoid answering the question?

    The internet is full of web experts who often have 'mates' who are 'experts'... so it is worth qualifying your sources. I am not an expert, and I am happy to give way to those far more experienced than I in this area. :smile:
  12. Not sure it's right to out mates who over a coffee chat about what's occurring, and being lucky enough to be around a lot of ducati people racing I have a few from all over the place

    Its all about opinions, and they are bourne by knowledge and /or experience. My knowledge is developed simply by others experience. I'm not very technical nor mechanically minded but we can't all be the same
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  13. Don't need your mates names, but I am sure the dealer names should be happy to discuss the good/bad/ugly about the bikes they sell and/or service. Sorry, but until then, I think your mates highly debatable thoughts are questionable at best, and rejected outright by those who know.
  14. Isn't one of the purposes of forums to openly discuss qualified experiences and information shared by professionals with us amateurs?
  15. Unless its horse shit! :biggrin:

    I have probably read all the same horror stories as everyone else here.....but still it doesn't stop me from wanting to try one out on my 848, just to see what all the fuss is about. (the 848 only sees the road tho)

    We have among the members on here an authorised HM QS supplier, and if I do take the plunge it will be from him as I would trust his judgement and experience with them, good and bad.

    He has one on a blade he owns and yes he'd did remove the one from his road going 848. (yes you know who you are :wink:)

    I wouldn't expect to fit any aftermarket parts without them being set up specifically for the bike they are going onto. You wouldn't fit a carb, an ecu, a shock, even a pair of tyre's with out them being fine tuned for the bike.

    BSB as with other race bike's do get a lot of hammer, and some riders don't always treat the machinery as the highly tuned instrument that they are, and maybe just maybe the idea of a QS in some peoples mind, negates the need to show a bit of compassion to the gearbox, on or off track.

    As the old saying goes "to finish first....first you have to finish" ask a TT rider, they'll tell you all about the love care and attention needed with all things mechanical.

    Now where were we?.......oh yes mapping the iaw 5am ecu in a 1098....yup 14990 is right, get the stocker mapped instead of adding a piggy back system.
    #35 XxAnthxX, Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2012
  16. Ar ok, I get it. If its different to your opinions it's got to be 100% accurate and proved in very case.

    So you're saying either I'm a liar or opinion is wrong; in which case you're wrong on both counts. As often said, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one. And everyone is as valid as the last. Seems that you have the belief yours trumps everyone else's. Fill yer boots mate :upyeah:

    But I still wouldn't fit to my bike
  17. But yes bacon thread....I'd be inclined to have the std one mapped, meant to make a lot of difference
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  18. Absolutely not....If that's aimed at me.

    I'm the same as you Bradders, I have no experince of quick shifters either, just word of mouth from others.

    I just want to try one to see if they are the next best thing or just the emperors new clothes! :wink:

    And trust me, if I do get round to getting one and it eats my gearbox I'll let you all know first hand.....after I've eaten my humble pie, not that I should need to, as I don't have an opinion on them (tho I do have an arse hole), i'd just like to try one.:upyeah:

    A quick shifter that is :biggrin:
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  19. Bike booked in to Ducati Coventry for a remap.

    I like the idea of the quickshifter simoply because I can then keep a proper grip on the bars when the front wheel is in the air :biggrin:
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  20. Dangerous- behave. I'll tell you whats dangerous.......... Having an Afghan soldier cock his AK47 in your face after you catch him stealing your water, THATS DANGEROUS!!

    Making a statement on advice you've recieved and experiences you've heard isn't dangerous. Get a effing grip!

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