gimme your best advert...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. fins place. no fix no fee.
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  2. Always liked the early Cadbury's Flake ads especially the music track that evolved, For mash take Smash and the current Wonga ad but only because of the fine guitar playing.
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  3. Nothing to beat this!

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  4. holy feck that's one dirty dirty girl. now im away to the loo.
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  5. Steady now, that's the future Mrs Nutty you're talking about :upyeah:
  6. Not like ... But hate that Hotels 4u advert " anything for you Cupcake " makes me want to lob telly out of window!
  7. The new Haribo starmix advert is just so funny.
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