Car enthusiast /mobile mechanic - East London/Essex Border? Advice/help needed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by THJ, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Ok, rather than adding a Bostrum rep I decided rather foolishly to try my hand with a classic car. (A decision I am starting to regret more each day)
    1975 c3 corvette. Been running fine, then stored under cover while fixed a few electrical gremlins. Car started fine & ran fine etc... Put car back together now it won't start! Turns over, got spark at 1 plug but not others so could be distributor.

    I know fuck all about cars so need an enthusiast to give me a hand or a decent mobile mechanic recommendation.

    Any help appreciated. Cheers.
  2. ONG that is a beautiful car man. When it is runnign it will be bullet proff.

    So few questions, obviously you took plugs out to see if all spark when out, you swapped cables about to check if it is plug or cable.

    Finally on my old 1969 Charger I could remove cables form distributor cab as they were clip-on. If you can do the same just swap working for not working as I had a failed spark plug cable on them in past.

    If all of that fails before deeming distributor dead check power going to it but that is rarely the problem. We had a sparkplug no fiering issue when we fitted super and turbo charger as distributor was not strong enough but that was heavy modded engine.
  3. this is key for me, you need to retrace what YOU have done or touched and eliminate bit by bit..
  4. If you have a spark at one plug you should have a spark at all the plugs irrespective of whether the leads are on the right way around, possibly a cracked or damaged distributor cap or rotor arm. As andyb says retrace your steps.
  5. Question is it carb or injection as my oldie was carb so did not have to worry about ECU connections :)
  6. points and condenser ignition? worn lobes in distributor, check points open on each lobe.
  7. Now this something I could get my teeth into...........if it isn't an injection model.......
  8. Leads definitely the right way round.
  9. When I say put back together, I meant put L & R & centre dashboard back on. I had not tinkered with anything under the hood.
  10. Check fuses, then check individual cables as suggested
  11. Clean the pick up tags inside the dis/cap as they can fur up stopping the spark to the plugs.

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