Seem to have polar opinions here! If you can high side the bike then traction control doesn't work and it's a gimmick. If it does work, then it stops rear wheel slip (amount depending on setting) and the bike can't high side. The settings just give you an amount of slip before it kicks in. I can see that in the lower settings you can get butt cheek clenching slides on the back (but still shouldn't high side) and at the higher levels of intervention nothing but a twitch. As far as I'm aware MotoGP/WSB use GPS traction control as the settings change depending on where they are on the track, so the bike needs to know where it is at any one time. This is totally different to the version on the Panigale and all other road bikes
Hmm ,think you would have to be a very brave person to just relay on the T C Agree with Others ,fast track to hospital if you keep that up,IMHO I always think of it as a rider aid if I get it wrong it might just save me. But no guarantee it will .
yeh orchard bike I think its a bit of a gimmick ,I think the manufacturers are giving a bit of a get out of jail card to riders and trying to help them not crash their brains out on 200bhp machines, suppose its technology moving on ,not saying they don't work , but I don't think there is no way if the bikes flat on its side I would wack the throttle fully open and hope the electronics save the high side ,ive had loads and everyone hurts ,my t/c light comes on now and again on the road but don't feel in doing anything daft , yeh think your right about moto gp bikes t/c etc but a few years ago bsb ,wsb, and moto gp bikes were highsiding all over and there systems would have still been more cost and technology than a 15k panni ?
If you are silly enough to smash the throttle wide open at full lean coming out of a corner and expect any tc to sort it all out (unless on most intrusive) best get your inflight meal ordered. It allows faster, more aggressive progressive throttle opening imo
I came out of a wet corner a little bit ambitious few weeks ago t c kicked in before I knew I'd lost back end . lights flashed cut power and saved it thanks to t c .
Anyone had good feedback off abs ? Never had it only my bikes before wondering how good it is . I do lock up th front end time to time .
And you know that TC doesn't work because? Or do manufacturers just fit some lights to the dash saying TC is fitted and charge £2k extra for the privilege? Is that how it works?
Personal expereince. ABS has saved me a couple of times, wet crappy roads and a little poor anticipation (nothing coming so they are BOUND to pull out on the roundabout! Oops they didn't) so yes it work A272 crappy road surface in the wet and on an overtake with decent lean angle, back out, light comes on, sorts out before I ever could. So yes it works HTH
It will allow some slip, or none (almost) depending on setting, you do realise the rear slips under power anyway. Right?! Mate of mine had BST's on his T9s and every 800 or so miles needed to have the wheels re-balanced because they span on the rims
ABS, I leave it on when riding on the road (Panigale) but turn it off on the track (S1K). Turned off on the track because that feeling of heading for the gravel trap, on full brakes when you know you can brake harder is no fun. Traction control as Bradders says, faster more aggressive and progressive throttle opening (on track). Leave it on but if it's too intrusive adjust it back a bit (S1k has had ECU flash to improve it) but Panigale has lots of adjustment. On the road will help save you on "slippery" surfaces Davy
Yes traveling on the motorway in the out side lane up ahead I see the traffic slowing, The centre lane was not so busy so I changed lanes but only rolled off the throttle The car I had been following suddenly realised the traffic had slowed and hit the brakes and locked up He then decided to change lanes while locked up almost causing the car to roll I grabbed the brakes and was also able to take evasive action which as it happened I did not need to do as the bike pulled up well before the car. Poor anticipation on my part I should have slowed quicker and kept me distance,I will next time
Sigh. Sarcasm alert. Maybe next time I should put 'I'm taking the piss, I don't really mean throw yourself off a bridge with a rubber band, its not really a bungie...' But. Again. One persons progressive is another's roll one, and another agains smash it open. subjective səbˈdʒɛktɪv/ adjective 1. based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. "his views are highly subjective" synonyms:personal, personalized, individual, internal, emotional, instinctive, intuitive,impressionistic; More
Bout time some decent topics and banter , I was starting to log on here to put myself to sleep . Keep it up .