Mtc Exhausts

Discussion in 'Sport Touring' started by Kev Meers, May 24, 2014.

  1. Hello, just wondering it anyone has a set of MTC cans fitted and how they rate them.

    ive just put some on my ST4 and they look a treat but are real close to the panniers, do you think that'll be a problem. There is about 10mm clearance so im hoping there won't be heat issue !!


  2. my st panier frame has lower mountings built in,using those instead of the footpeg mounts, gives about 40-50mm gap.
    10mm seems a tad too close id have thought.
  3. Thanks for the reply, the silencers finish just at the front of the pannier with the edge of the end of the can being 10mm from the underside.
    what cans did you have on yours ?
  4. ive a pair of sp engineering cans on mine,theyre quite slim though compared to those mtc ones.
    i made my own connecting pipes and have the ends sitting out the back by the plate,keeps fumes and the long distance/steady cruising " drone" away lol.
  5. Aha they sound good, I like the look of the mtc , bit disappointed I had to take the main stand off but its not the end of the world I guess.
  6. what!!,ive kept my main,essential with loading panniers i find,couldnt do without it actually,stupid sidestand cant be relied on at all on mine.
    glad i made my own pipes now,didnt realise you had to sacrifice that much for the mtc pipes.
  7. I fitted mtc exhausts with the link pipes supplied and kept the main stand, just had to heat up and bend out the bit you put your foot on, wasnt much but fits perfect now.
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