Nowt wrong with a boat trip. Needs to be with good mates and include a race, a few nights at sea and at least half a dozen light houses. Fastnet is ideal.
Very comfy! You can still get a night at sea, the Needles Light, St Catherines, Nab Tower, Benbridge Light and the Forts. That's 5! Got to get a round the island in.
Rang the hospital only to be put on an answer phone, a week since the scan and heard nothing yet. The suspense is more likely to make me ill!! No news is good news, I hope. Steve
Standing on a frigging full train instead of sitting in first class thanks to Fisrt Great Western not sorting their trains out, fecking to$$ers....only 2 hours to go
150k on my push bike. Left knee didn't like it. Off to see the physio for a bit of maintenance. Obviously getting too old for this s**t.
Removed the taper-roller steering head bearings from two Pantah bottom yokes. Those races are on really really tight, after 30 years, but I managed to get them off. New ones on order, should be here tomorrow. Oh and I stripped all the grotty old black paint off the two top yokes and two bottom yokes. Now to polish them, to go with the four Marzocchi 35mm fork legs which I polished before.
Just paid for Brands Hatch Indie, dawn till dusk on the 24th June. Would appreciate better weather than we had on Wednesday but we now know that we can ride in the wet and still have a great time. Andy
I went & got a 4 year warranty extension for the bike because the factory warranty expires on July 24th, I am covered until 2018...cost was $1600.00 (unlimited mileage) but at least it's peace of mind if anything goes wrong!
Travels 60 miles to Mansfield for a service. Came back via Buxton, Ashbourne and a trafffic laden road. Service light came on the dash at 645 miles (585 At service) ten miles from home. Just moving bike ready for the off tomorrow and the back tire is flat! Wonder if I must have killed a Robin on the road today without knowing.
Worked today but got the Multi out tonight and popped down the Ace for a cup of tea with a couple of mates. Great to be out on the bike again ! Must let the others see the light of day soon
Gizza job Looks like our little company is going to sink without trace after a contractor went bust owing us tens of thousands of pounds. There's only three of us and we can't sustain a loss like that, don't think we're going to recover from it, so I'm jobhunting now. Sad day.