Just got back from the most amazing tour! We went from Portsmouth to Bilbao, across the Pyrenees, Carrcassone , to st tropez, route Napoleon, Alps....... Did loads of cols, amazing scenery, amazing roads, good times!
BTW had a problem with the bike, no neutral light? Neutral is still there in the gears, but I have to start with clutch in as the dash says it's in first, when I get going there is terrible surging in all gears but most noticeably in 2nd, it's nearly un rideable ! The dash threw several hissy fits and lit up like a Xmas tree? Anyone know anything about this?
How long did it take you on the route Napoleon ? We have just booked all our hotels and planned routes for our August Jolly. Can't wait now. Did you pre plan the routes or just follow your nose once there ?
Hi Paul We did it from grasse and stayed in corps! We had about 1 hour journey before grasse, it took all day to be honest as it was so hot! Make sure you have plenty of water!!!!!! We all said next time we would take camal packs and fill with ice under our jackets! Was utterly amazing!
Yeh we were thinking of taking the camel packs. How was the GT loaded up ok the twisties ? I was surprised at how wide it was with the panniers on. They had been on the box in the loft since I got the bike. Still deciding on what to pack. That's a whole other headache.
Would be a really good idea to take them, the bike was amazing apart from the jumpy gear thing, it's going back to the dealer so they can look at it! Luckily I have got the smaller lids as well as the gt lids! Which is a bonus, My friend who was on a zzr1400 Was following most of the time and couldn't believe how far I could crank it over! I think I may have decked the big panniers! The roads are that grippy!! Don't take too much stuff as you won't use it! I took goretex gear, trousers and jacket, but rode all the time in draggin jeans! Flip flops, shorts, 1 x pair of jeans, 5 t shirts, 1 x shirt, hoody, was bag, tools and first aid kit Shorty gloves as well as goretex gloves! Camera! Oh and wallet!!!!
We are off two weeks from now, ferry from Jersey to St Malo then working our way across on to Dijon, Route de Napoleon, Cannes across the South and back up the west coast stopping off near the race track Val de Vienne and then back to St Malo. What in your opinion were the best Cols and any particular gorges worth visiting? Heard the gorge du verdon is supposed to be pretty special. Dave
Hi dave If you can head across from Dijon to dole then down to poligny you will have the Dura mountains to play in! There are some lovely roads down to Geneva. You would then be best to head round the Swiss side to martigny, there you can go up over the col du grand St. Bernard down into Italy then head up the valley to la Thuile and go over the col du petit St. Bernard ! Both cols are great views and good riding! A good place to stay is bourg st Maurice ! The head up to Val d'isere and go over the col du L'iseran which is the highest in europe, it's very twisty and not the greatest roads for sheer sporty riding as you don't want to go of the edge! Then you can head down the valley through Modane then you have the awesome col du galibier and col du aubisque, again no the best riding roads but the views and scenery will blow you away! From those cols you can go through La Grave and head down the valley and up over the col d'ornon which is great! From the there you join Route napoleon! Although at the start the roads are good the best rounds are from Digne-les-bains......then it becomes awesome! Race track stuff all the way to the coast!
The gorge du verdon is just off the route napoleon, it's amazing but the roads are narrow and you get lots of campers and caravans! So beware! The views are amazing though!
Grasse does get seriously warm, we hit it at midday with traffic on our 1st trip. Not good in leathers and on an R1 with under seat pipes! Though we did get a good laugh at our mate Sean, he was in a banana suit (yellow Alpinestar one piece to match his ltd ed R1). oh the smugness of having zip togethers...lol Hoping to do the Pyrenees next year with the gf. Only the extra time getting there that puts me off.
Thanks Andy, appreciate you taking the time to impart all that information...now where are those maps, time to start plotting!
Multijsy, it is a great route! The views and scenery are amazing! You really need to take the multi away abroad to appreciate how well it goes and works! Great mountain motorbike as you sit higher and have plenty of grunt!