I seem to have snapped the pleed nipple off my standard brembo master, drilled as much as i can out and now need to tap the rest. Anyone have a clue what size/pitch the thread is? And does anyone have a bleed nipple spare?
Have you tried getting it out by forcing a star shaped bit in the hole and then trying to undo the broken part, this has worked on numerous occasions for me.
In that case it should be the M8 x 1.25 as chrisw says. Mine has M10 as I have changed to later braking setup but I looked at the old (916) parts and they are the smaller size.
You should have used an Easy Out to remove the broken part. If you drill a pilot hole and cut a new thread how do you know the new thread overlies the old thread ? You could end up with a weakened component on a safety critical system.
Cheers gents. Tried tried twisting it out with the broken bit but with no luck. There's only the swarf bits left in the thread, just can't seem to get them out...need something of the same size to lift them out the thread.
I reckon you'd be better off buying a second hand one. Probably cheaper if you factor in the cost of your labours plus it will likely be a safer option.
This is interesting.... just about to change the clutch and brake fluid on an 851. What's the chances of the same thing happening, the bleed nipples haven't been touched for a few years. Bit apprehensive about going near them now. Have put some WD40 on them and will leave them overnight, apart from a prayer or two, any other suggestions?
yeah, use penetrating fluid not wd40. It does make a difference in my experience.. though it doesn't seem to on the swing arm pivot!
WD in the system will expand o ring and seals, so don't use it. Just slightly crack the nipple on a little more before undoing.