Off to Europe soon for a few week, I'm wondering do I have to do anything to my head lights for riding on the Right hand side of the road? I remember when I was a kid my next door neighbour had to put some yellow stickers on his lights and some sort of deflector.
I believe the beams on these bikes are flat and unbiased, so I dont think you need to do anything. Edit: Same headlight p/n for all geography's , so would seem to support that.
I believe they are a flat beam - so no action required. I may be wrong. point it at the garage door. put tape where needed. lots never bother or worry,
I exported my bike with me to Sweden. The lenses/refelcectors etc are universal. They have the same part number on Euro and UK bikes. All you need to do is adjust the direction with the screws on the back of light clusters as per the notes in the manual.
Hi jcmental, I've not longed returned from a trip to madrid through France. I had no problems with the head light. Unlike a car,the light on the bike isn't biased towards the kerb. There's also some items you are supposed to carry with you such as breathalyser, reflective jacket, spare bulbs,insurance papers etc. the RAC website is quite informative. Ultimately have a good trip, enjoy the open roads and good wine.
oops it seams I posted twice, the site locked me out the first time I tried to ask this question sorry [MOD: Edit: sorted ]
The Multistrada has a flat beam, or as they say en francais "feux de croisement plat", if you are apprehended by "le flick".
Page 157 of the manual for the 2010 model gives instructions for both up and down as well as left and right. Dunno about the newfangled models. No offset is created by lens profile, this is done by literally changing where its pointing at.
Never been an issue on both the 2010 and the 2013 model, The lights are just flat. Fit the driving lights if you can before you go they just make the bike so much more visible to drivers!
Well, I'm in the Alps this week, and every 10th car flashes me, so it must annoy them. Doesn't bother me and that's all that counts
Carr, I think you are a little out of date as there is no fine for not carrying a breathalyser or wearing a reflective jacket. Here is an extract from the AA's website: France - breathalysers for all and reflective jackets for motorcyclists Several changes have been made to motoring laws in France in support of the International Decade on Road Safety though two new laws have subsequently been either abolished or postponed indefinitely January 2013 - Drivers in France have been required to carry a self-test breathalyser since July 2012 with enforcement by fines originally planned for 1 November but subsequently postponed to 1 March 2013. Now the French government has announced that the implementation of the sanction (fine) for drivers not carrying a breathalyser – a fine of €11 – has been postponed indefinitely. So you are still required to carry a self-test breathalyser when driving in France but there is no current legislation demanding a fine for non-compliance. Motorcycle riders were to be required to wear reflective clothing in France from 1 January 2013 but the French law making reflective equipment compulsory for motorcycle riders and passengers has been abolished. If you want to go to the relevant page the address is: Compulsory equipment abroad | AA I nearly went and bought breathalyser etc last year but glad I didn't. I did cary spare bulbs and insurance papers as that seems to be a sensible thing to do.
Is there a requirement for a reflective jacket for breakdowns ? Thought I had seen something along those lines.
They are needed for cars but not bikes. THe AA has a usefull quick reference at: