The misses past her DAS today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by fujack, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Hey - how does she keep her hair looking so nice after wearimg a helmet? Mine always looks like a nuclear bomb has gone off in a rats' nest :biggrin:
  2. Sun silk !!!
  3. It does look nice

    I put mine in a pony so it doesn't get rats tails keeps hair flat and straight except for the ends  which curl
  4. Saying that I looked at my credit card statement and nearly shit my pants when I saw £108 for a hair cut !!!!
  5. What!!!!!!! 
  6. Maybe that's why it stays nice !
  7. Well done on passing the test and getting on the Monster! Oh, and that price was cheap compared to what my wife pays at the local posh salon!!!
  8. Congratulations!

    How the other half live, eh?
  9. Well done "The Missus" am pleased for you :upyeah:.

    Take it easy and stay safe.
  10. there's a lot a of laydeeeeez on here girls need to hook up for a track day
  11. Fujack, hope it's all going well mate and well done to the missus on the monster!

    Monster looks good,but 1198 looks better enjoy them in good health
  12. Hi mate had probs with the 1198 traction wasn't working so had it serviced and the traction sorted last sat you know how much was left on that rear tyre , well it's completely gone and is breaking up lasted about 200 miles lol ... How was the holiday ??
  13. Great news...send my nice bike she has there too!
  14. Feck me mr by the looks of that rear you should of left it fooked LOL

    Glad you have it sorted

    So compared to the BM?
  15. Huge congrats may you have much fun on the bikes together!!!
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