Pannier rubbers.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Phartycr0c, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Thanks for that.... 13 minutes of my time I can never get back!
  2. just get some sticks like shit from b&q. stick the top box rubbers in too. works a treat.
  3. If I need a spare I just grab one from the storage place in @Drdaveboy 's bike.
  4. you aint that silly
  5. Been out to clean the bike & realised I have one missing!! Took my daughter on the back last Saturday- that’ll be the culprit no doubt!
  6. Moto Rapido are still operating a parts counter by post and I’m pretty sure Craig keeps at least a left and a right in stock. They are not expensive. Andy
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  7. Cheers mate, I’ll drop an email over.
  8. [email protected] Andy
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