I see a prototype screen that's cracking (literally!), new start switch, new screen mounting hardware (angle adjustable I wonder?) and a new top clamp.
I've just had my RH switch replaced and it looks the same as that one (Maroon colour not red anymore).
Just out of interest why did you have the kill switch replaced. Mine played up after a few days in heavy rain but is ok now (with some help from WD40)
Now, is it me, or does the area around the headlight look different? I'm specifically referring to the "black" areas to the left and right of the lower screen portion... It looks like the whole screen area/top front faring has been redesigned. It could be my eyes, but it looks like the wind would now channel up and away to the sides...pushing it more onto your shoulders. Screen looks wider at the bottom too... Interesting. Perhaps they even put it into a wind tunnel... ;-) Let's see if it works... Sadly it doesn't look like it will retrofit, but unless you change the whole top faring.
Yep, completely different top fairing... http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f6/benson-...rday-1st-september-4089/index2.html#post56632
Don't like the redesigned mechanism for sliding the screen up and down - too much going on - much prefer what I've got...
Running lights going to be led's do you think? Doesn't look that way? Cant see me being tempted into an upgrade just yet. Not keen on the slots for the screen either.
I think this will be my 2013 bike http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/527153_348446481906490_711708498_n.jpg