Hi everyone I don't know if you have seen my other post about the coffee table made from a 749s engine, but i am now making another one. This time it will be for sale at the end of the project. Last time I kept a blog, but this was an American site, so I thought I shall share the entire project with everyone here in the UK. So I managed to find another engine a few days ago from a bloke in Surrey. Basically, he had a complete service done 240 miles ago costing over £800 but recently had a knocking from the rear pot to which he doesn't have the time to investigate and could potentially cost him even more money. So I managed to bag the engine for a very good price and off I went to go collect it. The good thing with this engine is that this time I have a nearly brand new clutch and exhaust headers with it, along with the throttle bodies! Winner! So, after having a very quick look at it, it does seem in slightly worse condition than my last one but once parts are removed and cleaned, I will see the extent of it. This time I will also be doing a time lapse video of the project. I will also have different sections removed from the engine this time and have a slightly different view once it's made. So if you are interested in it, please feel free to follow this thread and see how this unwraps. Literally! You will also have the opportunity to purchase this at the end too. No expense spared on this project, it will all be hand crafted, with hours and hours of labour. Just another excuse to spend more time in my garage. This is how the engine stands at the moment and by comparison to my last one in another thread, you can see the difference it has. Anyway, I shall keep you regularly updated into different stages but the video time lapse won't be available until the end but it should make abit of interesting viewing. Enjoy the show!
Think he's used the old springs and caps. The clutch inside is actually pretty good. Final-edition.....how much is your engine going for? Well this is how things stand after day 1. Paint work is a bit shabby so I reckon I will end up sand blasting the old paint off and getting the cases powder coated. Will give them a nice new look, plus i have a few contacts that can help with the cost of it too.