She has finally arrived 124miles covered so far. Just a quick question. I'm currently running her in making sure that I don't go over the 6000 rpm. Can you use the quick shifter during the running in phase I can't see anything in the book? I seem to be struggling to change gear, I reckon it's probably my fault. Due to keeping the revs low I'm trying to change gear in a slow relaxed manor so I don't give it the beans and go over the 6k. But I've hit false neutrals, which in turn mean I rev it above the 6k. Think it must prefer the more swift racing tap.
I used mine whilst running in, it's not so keen on 1st to 2nd but 2nd onwards it was fine. I did the 6k thing till about 500 miles then said sod this and rode it as normal.
use q/shifter its fine I never ran mine in , just never red lined it ,even the dealer said just ride it ,as you would , personally think its a load of bull having to run bikes in never had on about 20 bikes and never had a major engine problem ,like you say your probably doing more damage reving to say 8k in neutral at least it would be better if under load ,
Cheers for the points gents think I'm going to start using the shifter. I did like using it when I did the test ride. Did anyone do the next 600odd miles at 8k after the initial service.
On the production line they rev the tits of them. They just say it to cover their arses in case something goes bang.....
Mines pretty much ran in its going for its first service wednesday i have used it in all 3 modes - wet - sport and race used the Q Shifter a lot no problems so far have had it pinned a few times
Ride as normal, just dont redline it as mentioned previously or unnecessarily thrash the nuts out of it in any gear. It will be fine.
Much improved evening ride. Loving the quick shifter. Can't wait to get full use of the bike. I'm still sticking to the 6k limit but using the quick shift. 218 miles covered. Hoping to get a few more 000 done this week.
Please somebody explain to me what use a quickshifter is at low revs? I Think I must be missing something here
I see where your coming from. But I'm only using the quick shifter when accelerating and only when I reach 5500-6000rpm.
My chain is covered in waxy lube, this was on the bike when I picked it up. Is this more of a pres oil or is it good chain lube? The lubes I normally use are more of a spray lube. Just wondering if I should clean it off and apply a normal spray chain lube. 350 miles covered, and it looks like the rain is in for the next couple of days.
clean it off and use your own all the original does is fly all over your bike , sunshine up north for us monkeys ha ha
Agreed with a post above that quick shifter wasn't good running in between 1st and 2nd. I still clutch it now at low revs. Kept to 6k until the first service. Then it went on track... I'm not sure I kept to the book after that :-D