I'm in Maldon. It was epic at about 0530 this morning. Power been down all day, just come back on again. Not for long judging by the humidity and colour of the sky.
Born and bred in Benfleet, although unfortunately I didn't spend enough time looking at the blackboard.
Dark now in Somerset but still warm and humid. Expecting another disturbed night, I love thunderstorms.
you calling Rob sticky? thats personal insult, he send you on 'short holiday' , probably to Southend. Oh,......Hold on..... ummm...
I was working a night shift last night, it's quite nerve wracking when you have 2 x 100 Tonne cranes hooked onto a big steel girder, you can't release the girder until you've finished cutting off the support frames, the gas axe runs out of fuel so you are trying to cut off the frames with a steel saw. All while watching an enormous thunderstorm rolling towards you...
Rode down to Dartmouth last night and off over exmoor to Luton, Lynmouth, Minehead today. Hoping it stays dry the S. Wales tomorrow..... Storm dodger!
Cloudy here in wandsworth - was raining when i left home from surrey this morning, i bet its going to chuck it down when i leave work later
Biblical rain here in manchester lightening and thunder last night Great conditions for beer festival this afternoon!