1200 Multi Has A Good Go At Chasing A Panigale At Albacete

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndyW, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. ......for a while anyway - puts in a good show.....couple of hairy moments towards the end. Great POV video:

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  2. I kn ow it's quiet round here at the moment..............but no comments??
  3. Fuck it! I'm booking into fast at Sliverstone!!
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  4. Nah I'll do inters so I can give a better show ;)
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  5. Wonder what group that was in...and if it was Shakey riding it ;)
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  6. like that it wasn't me anyway
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  7. Well I'm back from Vietnam now so I'll have to liven up proceedings then :)
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  8. Great clip and ripper effort too!
  9. Not a Mutley but an impressive ride of a 1200GSLC....

  10. Gutted I couldnt get mine fitted. But that is obviously a slower group, as I can assure you a Pani would piss off if half quick riders against almost anyone (even shakey) on a Multi

    Maybe I'll take mine out in the inters next time ;)
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