Second Malaysian Plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Just seen the "Black box" being handed over on the telly. They're Ducati Red!!!

    Why would you call a red box a Black Box? And there are two of them, not one. For 50 years I have been mislead.

    Thoroughly disillusioned.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. I feel your pain fella, I'm still not quite over the reality of hot cross buns, touched one only to find it was cold and happy.
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  3. I thought it was because they were called after a Mr. Black, their inventor, but I could be mistaken.
    After all, you wouldn't paint a thing you might well have to look for, black.
  4. They have been red for years - easier to see them, been two for years too. It's OK :smile:
  5. There should be a Rule against that sort of deliberate deception
  6. Ah, maybe the Russians painted them Red! ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. I think one box is a flight deck data recorder and comms, the other is more what the plane is doing/has done or did..if my little knowledge of aviation is anything to go by.
  8. Oh yes,nothing like a bit of bitter,sweet.
  9. My late father was a Director of the CAA and always said that "they are not bloody black,they are orange"bless him ,and you are correct,invented by a Dr Black.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Well if Mr Black invented them then should they not call it Black's box (boxes)?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. A Faraday cage is not a Faraday's cage, so I suppose the answer to your question is no.
    That was the first example that sprung to mind, but I bet there are many others.
  12. There are two data recorders on commercial airliners, one is a cockpit voice recorder, the other one is essentially a datalogger.
  13. The Soviet Union was continuously placed under the most extreme pressure, economically, politically and militarily, from its inception in 1917 until its disintegration in 1991. What the Western politicians of today refer to as "pressure" on Russia is negligible by comparison.

    In the 1980s the Western world would have been delighted to think that Russia would later become as it actually is in 2014 - and it would have paid any price to achieve that outcome. What short memories people have !
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Tell that to the families.
  15. Sorry but cant remember 1917.I must have been on my gap year....
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